Editorial Policies | Peer Review | Suspect redundant (Duplicate) publication | Correction and retraction Policy | Conflicts of interest | Patient Consent forms | Ethical committee approval | Plagiarism | Plagiarism Detection
Innovative Publication expects the highest ethical publication standards from their authors, reviewers and editorial office when conduction research papers and submitting throughout the peer-review process. Journals follow the criteria for authorship as outlined in the International Committee of Medical Journals Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.
Innovative journals apply a double-blind review process, in which the author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process in which reviewers operates under strict guidelines set forth in IP Journals, Guidelines for Reviewers and are expected to have the necessary expertise and time availability require to uphold the highest standards of peer review. For more information, please see the following:
1. COPE Guidelines on peer review ethics
2. COPE guidelines on what to do if you suspect a reviewer has appropriated an author’s ideas or data
Duplicate or redundant publication is a publication that overlapped substantially with one already published, in press, or in an electronic media submission. It is incumbent upon the corresponding author to identify the duplicated material and acknowledge the sources on the submission form and obtain permission from the original publisher (i.e. the copyright owner), acknowledge the duplication in the figure legend, and cite the original article. (International Committee of Medical Editors. http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html)
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published or currently submitted elsewhere. Duplicate publication is a violation of the APA code of ethics (APA Publication Manual, 2010 https://apastyle.apa.org/apa-style-help) and will be grounds for prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript. If the editor was not aware of the violation and the article has been published, a notice of duplicate submission and the ethical violation will be published.The following do not preclude submission to, or publication by Innovative Publication.
Deposit of unpublished sequence data in a public database and preliminary disclosures of research findings as meeting posters, webcast as meeting presentations, or published in the abstract forms as adjuncts to a meeting, e.g., part of a program. Posting of a limited amount of original data on a personal/institutional and educational website or collaborative groups working on a problem.
For more information, please visit the following COPE guidelines regarding duplicate publications:
Suspected redundant publication in a submitted manuscript
Suspected redundant publication in a published paper
Innovative Publication all journals abide by COPE correction and retraction policy of post-publication commentary on published research as necessary to advancing scientific discourse. Published papers can involve challenges, clarifications or in some cases, replication of the published work. Complaints, disagreements over interpretation and other matters arising should be addressed to the editor of the journal concerned. Because debates over interpretation are often inconclusive, we do not automatically consider criticisms of review articles or other secondary material. COPE retraction Policy https://publicationethics.org/files/retraction-guidelines.pdf
All authors are expected to disclose, in the manuscript submission letter, any commercial affiliations as well as consultancies, stock or equity interest, and patent-licensing arrangements that could be considered to pose a conflict of interest regarding the submitted manuscript. Potential conflict of interest, direct or indirect or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work reported or the conclusions, implications, or opinions stated – pertinent commercial or other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department(s) or organizations, personal relationship, or direct academic competition. If the manuscript is accepted, Conflict of Interest information will be communicated in a published statement.
It is the author’s responsibility to provide, in the acknowledgement section, a general statement disclosing the project, institutional and corporate, should be credited in the acknowledgments section. If manuscript concerns a commercial product, the manufacturer’s name must be indicated in the Materials and Methods section or elsewhere in the text as appropriate, in an obvious manner.
For more information, visit the ORI module on conflict of interest and the following COPE guidelines regarding conflict of interest:
The Protection of patient’s rights to privacy is essential. Please collect and keep copies of patients’ consent forms in which patients or other subject of your experiments clearly grant permission for the publication of photographs or other material that might identify them. If the consent form for your research did not specifically include this, please obtain it or remove the identifying material.
A statement to the effect that such consent had been obtained must be included in the “Material and Method” section of the manuscript. If necessarily the editors may request a copy of any consent forms.
Ethics does not prescribe a specific set of rules or policies. Instead, it provides a framework for evaluating problems and determining an appropriate course of action. Ethical analysis should reflect both internationally accepted norms and locally relevant cultural values.
All articles dealing with original human or animal data must include a statement on ethics approval at the beginning of the methods section. This paragraph must contain the following information: the name and address of the ethical committee responsible, the protocol number that was attributed by this ethics committee; and the date of approval by the ethics committee.
“Ethical approval for this study (Ethical Committee NAC0 207) was provided by the ethical committee NAC Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, on 12 February 2007.”
In addition and as stated above, for studies conducted with human participants, you must state clearly that you obtained written informed consent from the student participants’ please also look at the latest version of the Declaration of Helsinki. Similarly, for experiments involving animals you must state the care of the animal and licensing guidelines under which the study was performed and report these in accordance with the ARRIVE (Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) statement. If ethics clearance was not necessary, or if there was any deviation from these standard ethical requests, please state why it was not required. Please note approval from a National Drug Agency (or similar) please state this and provide details, this can be particularly useful when discussing the use of unlicensed drugs.
(to be modified as applicable and one signed copy attached with the manuscript)
We routinely ask for ethics committee approval from every research manuscript submitted to Innovative Publication journals. Sometimes, studies from different countries may not have ethics committee approval and authors may claim that their study does or not need approval. In such situations, we consult COPE “Ethics committee approval https://publicationethics.org/case/ethics-committee-approval”
Journals published at Innovative Publication, evaluate submissions on the understanding that they are the original work of the authors. Reuse of text, data, figures, or images without appropriate acknowledgement or permission is considered plagiarism, as is the paraphrasing of text, concepts, and ideas. This includes copying sentences or paragraphs verbatim from someone else’s work, even if the original work is cited in the references. The ORI module “Avoiding Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Other Questionable Writing Practices: a Guide to Ethical Writing” can help authors identify questionable writing practices. All allegations of plagiarism are investigated in accordance with COPE guidelines detailed below:
Innovative Publication is a member of Crosscheck by CrossRef and iThenticate. iThenticate is a plagiarism screening service that confirms the originality of content prior to publication. We use this software to check submissions against millions of published research papers manuscript for potential plagiarism.
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