Author Guidelines

Journals Selector


Innovative Publication is a publisher of open-access journals. All submitted manuscripts are managed by Manuscript Peer-Review Process called MPRP as a rapid and rigorously peer-reviewed, manuscript handling, and editorial process. In this platform, all authors, reviewers, editors, and editorial office works on a single platform. Approx. all journals are available in both versions: Online and Print. Each journal has its own website so that medical and scientific professionals working in this area can discover your content easily.

To know more about our journals, Please visit the All Journals List.

Submission Checklist

A manuscript submission checklist is necessary during the final submission of an article before sending it to the journal for the peer-review process.

  • One author should be designated as the Corresponding author with complete contact details.
  • The author should check the Aims and Scope of the journal.
  • Use the MS Word template to prepare your manuscript.
  • An author should ensure about Authorship Criteria, Research and Publication EthicsManuscript Preparation, Authorship, Copyright, Format, Figure, Data, and reference format have been appropriately considered. 
  • All necessary files have been uploaded, and contain Keywords, figures, and captions, all tables (including title, description, and footnotes).
  • The manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar-checked.
  • The author has obtained copyright material permission.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Manuscript Submission Process

All manuscripts must be submitted online at The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list read the authorship qualify criteria and that they have all read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript, To submit your manuscript, first-time users click the register button from the submission portal. On successful registration, you will receive an email verification mail and after confirmation, you will be able to log in as an author or you can directly log in by using your credentials (Username-Registered mail ID & Password) or you can directly login Sign in with Google or Login with ORCID ID.

After successful registration, log in as an author and post your manuscript for further processing. While submitting, the author is required to provide information on payment and possible funder agreements. During submission of the funder, details ensure you meet all your funder requirements.


Manuscript Preparation

  1. Title Page Information: Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance with Manuscript Title, Author list, affiliations, abstract, and Keywords.
  2. Original Research Manuscript: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Figures, Tables, Conclusions, etc.
  3. Author Ethical Responsibilities: The author should provide Supplementary Materials, Acknowledgements, Author Contributions, Conflicts of Interest, Funding, Data Availability Statement, and Citations.
  4. Presentation and Format: Spacing, Margins, Page Numbering, Words limit, etc.


Cover Letter

Cover Letters must be included with each manuscript submission and it should be concise and explain why the content of the paper is significant and find the context of existing work. It should explain the manuscript is suitable for the scope of the journal. The cover letter should prove the following details: 

  1. Manuscript Title
  2. Type of Manuscript
  3. Author's full name (First name, Middle Name, and Last Name)
  4. Complete Affiliations (in sequences)
  5. Contact no and email id
  6. ORCID iD/Researcher’s profile


Title Page Information

The Title page should carry

  1. The title of your manuscript should be concise, specific, relevant, and informative that contain the major keywords, formulae, and abbreviations avoided.
  2. Running title or short title, not more than 6 words.
  3. Authors’ first and last names must be provided. The initials of any middle name can be added. The standard format used for PubMed/MEDLINE for affiliations is complete address information including city, pin/zip code, state, and country. The affiliations should be given as 1, 2, and 3 but not marked with symbols.
  4. Clearly indicate who will be the Corresponding author and handle all stages of communication for pre-publication and post-publication of the manuscript. Ensure that the name address, phone number, and e-mail address of the contributor responsible for correspondence about the manuscript. Contact details must be up to date and the institutional e-mail address and contact number of the corresponding author.

Before submission, you are requested to format the manuscript according to the journal guidelines.

Authorship Criteria

Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility, to have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data or drafting the work and substantively revising it. Authorship must include and be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. We confirm that all authors attest to having read and approved the manuscript. Apart from it, we request all authors to confirm that they have met the ICMJE's requirements for authorship, that the paper represents their honest efforts, and that they are able to independently validate the accuracy of the data presented.

Author Ethical Responsibilities

Funding and Acknowledgments: This may include administrative and technical support or donations in kind of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page of the manuscript and repeated before references.

In addition please provide the funding information in the Acknowledgements section in a separate step while submitting of manuscript process. Authors are responsible for providing the correct funder name. If the funding institution is not listed, it can be entered as text. Funding information will be published as searchable metadata for the accepted article, where acknowledgements are published on the page. If you have any doubt, the author must check the Open Funder Registry for the correct name. Visit Crossref Funder Registry


Author Contributions: Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility, to have made substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of the data or drafting the work and substantively revising it. Authorship must include and be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work. Please visit and read the section concerning the authorship qualify criteria.


Data Availability Statement: Provide details regarding where data supporting reported results can be found, including links to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the study or you might choose to exclude this statement if the study did not report any data.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must disclose any financial and personal support or interest that may be recognized and determine the representation or interpretation of reported research results. Potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultation, ownership, honorarium, patent application, testimony, etc.  Any project funded by the industry must pay special attention to the full declaration of funder involvement. If there is no role, please state the sponsors had no role in the design, execution, recognition, or writing of the study.  According to The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), authors should avoid signing into any agreements with study sponsors, both for-profit and non-profit, that interface with the author’s access to all of the study’s data or that interface with their ability and interpretation of data and publish manuscripts independently when they select. 

 The conflicts/competing interest statement should be included in the manuscript and will be published in the final article. If no competing interests are involved, the authors should state:

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

For more details, visit ICMJE's policy on competing interests.

Indexing & Abstracting Information

IP Innovative journals are widely indexed in various indexing databases as per updated NMC guidelines like Scopus, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, EBSCO, ProQuest, J- Gate, ROAD, CrossRef, Microsoft Academic, Indian Citation Index (ICI), Scilit. This indexing information can be easily found on individual journal websites on the About journal page.

Payment Methods

Payment Option 1: Payment RTGS / NEFT / Online Transfer in Favour of “Innovative Publication” Kotak Mahindra Bank, Branch Harpool Singh Market, Palam Branch, New Delhi - 110045, India, Current Account No. 7911500308, IFSC Code: KKBK0000177, Swift Code: KKBKINBB, GSTIN: 07AAEFI8365GIZ6.

Payment Option 2: Please Send Payment by Cheque / Demand Draft / Money Order in favour of “Innovative Publication"  Editorial Office, 3rd Floor, A-2, Gulab Bagh, Nawada, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi - 110059, India. Email:

Payment Option 3: PayPal Option applicable only for the foreign authors can send publication charges via Publisher PayPal account. Simply create your account at and send payment by debit card, credit card, visa card, or master card, etc. Innovative Publication PayPal Account: Please send your PayPal payment details at Email id:


Payment Option 4: If facing any issue with the above-given modes, you may directly pay by using any UPI on the attached QR Code. To download the same, please click on this link: QR Code


*Applicable for Indian authors only & once the payment procedure is done, please share your transaction details and always mention Article Reference Number on

Article Publication Charges

Innovative Publication Open Access Journal (OA) business model cover Article Publication Charges depending on the popularity of the journal. Many professional societies have a hybrid model. APC includes online tools for authors, and editors, production of journals, website hosting, and maintenance, abstracting and indexing, various membership and customer services, etc. Innovative is committed to the Prevention of Digital journals on long-term archives in the context of the open-access model future costs associated with that APC. Publication charges are payable only when your manuscript is accepted before publication and charged to either institution, employer, funder, or by author. Visit more about APC – Article Publication Charges

Waiver Policy

IP Innovative provides a waiver under this policy, which means up to 20% discount is offered by us. We help underprivileged researchers and readers by following our waiver policy. The purpose of waiver policies is often to ensure that researchers from low-income countries, institutions with limited funding, or individual authors facing financial hardship can be able to share their research without financial barriers. 

Criteria for granting waivers are as follows 
Country of Origin:

Authors from nations with lower income levels or less financing for research are eligible for up to 20% waivers.

Institutional Affiliation: 
Authors connected to organizations who do not have the funds to pay publication costs are eligible for waivers. 

Financial Hardship:

Writers who are struggling financially are eligible to get waivers if they can show proof of their situation. And signed documents of registered organisational supervisors and authorities.


Importance of the Study: 
Depending on the significance or effect of the research, waivers might occasionally be given regardless of the author's financial circumstances.
A signed letter from the author's suitable institutional representative, such as an institutional Department, with a verifiable institutional email address confirming payment, will be made from the author’s funds (all authors must provide a letter to this effect)
Request to apply for a waiver in APC should be made when submitting your manuscript by contacting, requests made during the review process or after acceptance will not be considered.

Social Contribution Service (APC waiver and Discounts)

The term "social contribution" describes deeds, endeavours, or programs meant to enhance the welfare, well-being, and standard of living of people, groups, or society at large. In this service we are encouraging authors, proficient researchers and institutes (for subscription) who are not financially capable of affording publication charges. IP Innovative supports them to come forward and publish their knowledgeable research and content without worrying about publication fees. Also for institutional collaborations, we are offering this service. IP Innovative gives waivers and discounts for online subscriptions as well to the Institutes and related readers  

Our mission: Our motive for Offering APC (Article Processing Charge) waivers and discounts is to give social contribution service, particularly in the academic and research community globally.


The goals that IP Innovative aims to accomplish by offering this service capabilities are as follows

Encouraging Access to Knowledge:

High APCs frequently act as a barrier for researchers, particularly those from underfunded institutions or those who work in underdeveloped nations. IP Innovative diffuse knowledge by allowing these researchers to publish their work in our respectable journals through waivers and discounts.

Expanding Multiplicity in Research:

We as a publisher contribute to diversifying the group of researchers or individuals who can publish their findings by lowering financial obstacles. This may result in the academic medical researches representing a wider spectrum of viewpoints and study subjects.


Promoting Interaction & Collaboration:

If researchers have access to APC waivers or discounts, they may cooperate more easily with colleagues from different institutions or regions of the world. This may result in cross-border and interdisciplinary partnerships, enhancing the calibre of research products.


Support to Affiliated Professionals

In addition to helping underprivileged authors and institutions, IP Innovative offers discounts and waivers to medical professionals who work in connected medical sectors and are affiliated with medical institutes, academies, hospitals, research societies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Those needs provide the necessary paperwork, such as an Ethical Clearance form or other related document attested by the Dean, HOD, Guide, Co-Guide, or any other applicable governing authority of the specific organization, which assures the author’s identity and affiliation in the same organisation may be eligible for waivers and discounts.

Eligible authors/ researchers for APC Waiver and discounts based on countries areas and territories                                 

  • Afghanistan                                                                                 
  • Angola
  • Benin
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Cape Verde
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Comoros
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Congo
  • Cote D’Ivoire
  • Cuba
  • Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
  • Djibouti
  • East Timor
  • El Salvador
  • Eritrea
  • Ethiopia
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Ghana
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Iran
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Moldova
  • Mongolia
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Nepal
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Palestinian Authority
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Rwanda
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • Senegal
  • Sierra Leone
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Swaziland
  • Syria
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Togo
  • Tunisia
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe

Copyright, permission and Licensing Information

Copyright Policy

Copyright is a legal concept that grants the Authors and Publisher an exclusive right to its use and distribution with the intention of enabling the creator to receive compensation for their intellectual effort under specific Licensing.

In Innovative Publication, we will take a signed copy of the copyright/consent declaration form from the authors, where they sign and accept responsibility for releasing this material to the publisher with the agreement of all co-authors. Authors retain the copyright of their work and transfer all publishing rights to the publisher. The author grants the publisher the only right to commercially utilize the article. For the duration of the copyright's full legal term, they provide the publisher, exclusive right and license to publish. transfer of this publishing rights covers the right to reproduction, and distribution of the content, including reprints, translations, photographs, reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproduction of similar nature.


Licensing Policy

Licensing for publication typically involves obtaining permission from the copyright holder or authors to use their work in for publication. This permission can vary depending on the type of work and how the publisher intends to use it.

In Innovative Publication, we publish journals and Books in open access which Provides free, unrestricted online access to the author’s work this allows us to publish articles under creative common licensing which allows others to view and reuse the content by giving proper attribution to the original Creator.

We are publishing journals under the following licensing-

Research and Publication Ethics

Research Ethics Involving Human, Animal, and Plants

When reporting studies on human subjects indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000 (available at Do not use patients’ names, initials, or hospital numbers, especially in illustrative material. Written consent for publication must be signed by participating patients with information. Related data to participants must be explained in detail, and personal information of patients need not be disclosed unless it is an identifiable matter is of relevance to the research like patients' photographs, or faces that show particular complications. Patients’ particulars or other identification need not appear in any form of images.


A manuscript that includes any case details, like personal information and images of patients, authors must obtain signed informed consent for publication from patients or relatives/guardians before submitting to Innovative Publication journal. Details of the patient must be anonymous as for as possible, e.g. do not mention age, ethnicity, occupation, or relations if they are not relevant to the conclusions.


Patient Consent Forms

Concerned Participants should make their own decision about whether they want to participate or continue participating in research. It should be done through a patient consent form process of the informed patient in which personal details are accurately informed of the purpose, methods, benefits, risks, and alternative information to the research. Understand this information and how it relates to their own clinical situation in research or interests, and make a voluntary decision about where to participate or not. A statement to the effect that such consent had been obtained must be considered in the Material and Methods section of your manuscript. If necessary the Editors may request a copy of consent forms.

An available Patient Permission Template form for download


Duplicate Submission: 

If a duplicate submission was found or noticed from other sources, the editorial board should check the status. If the duplicate submission was confirmed as an internal thing, then the following actions must be imposed. The review process will be terminated, the reason should be sent to reviewers, editorial board, authors and corresponding authors and all authors’ names will be marked as blacklisted, and these authors cannot submit any manuscript to these journals for another three years.

The author may refer to using our sample form and provide an appropriate form after consulting with your affiliated institution for the purposes of publishing with us. Journal and Consent, permission, or release form should include unlimited permission for publication in all formats like online, print and online, print format, in sublicensed and reprinted versions and other works and products under open access license. The publisher does not prescribe the kinds of contributions that all license authorship. It is recommended that authors adhere to the guidelines for authorship that are applicable to their specific research field. The submitted manuscript will be checked by the editorial office or on request of documentary evidence related to discuss documents. When studies describe groups by race, gender, disability, disease, religion, etc., an explanation regarding why such categorization was needed must be clearly stated in the article.


Statement on the Welfare of Animals Rights

When animals used for research must be respected in reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate where the national and international institutional guidelines for the care and use of animals have been followed, and that the studies have been approved by a research ethics committee at the institution or practise at which the studies were conducted. Please provide the name of the ethics committee and the relevant permit number.


If articles do not contain studies with human participants or animals by any of the authors, the statement should be as below:

  • Informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on the welfare of animals if the research involves animals.
  • Research involving animals and their data or biological materials, utilization of plants, fungi, algae etc.
  • The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfil the guidelines on animals and humans.
  • Refinement of experimental conditions and procedures to minimize the harm to animals.
  • Authors must consider details on husbandry, housing, and pain management in their manuscript.

Publication Ethics Statement

Publication ethics is a critical aspect of academic and scientific research, ensuring transparency and credibility in scholarly work. Authors play an important role in upholding these ethics. In innovative publications, we expect authors to follow such criteria.

  • Manuscript Guidelines: Authors should familiarize themselves with and adhere to the specific policies and guidelines of the journals to which they submit their work. This includes formatting requirements, word limits, and additional instructions for authors.
  • Plagiarism: The author must ensure that their work is original and properly provide the credit of the contributions of others. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of scholarly communication.
  •  Authors Contribution: The author submitting the manuscript to the journal ensures that all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved person are included in the author list. Authors should also ensure that all listed authors approve the manuscript and agree to submit it for publication.
  • Data and Reproducibility: Authors should provide sufficient detail and access to data and methods to allow others to replicate the research.
  • Ethical Treatment of Subjects: If research involves human or animal subjects, authors must comply with ethical standards and obtain appropriate approvals from institutional ethics committees. Informed consent should be taken from all participants, and their privacy should be protected.
  • Accuracy: Authors should accurately report their findings. any errors should be promptly corrected, and retractions or corrections should be issued if significant errors are discovered after publication.
  • Citation and Attribution: Authors should appropriately cite the work of others that has influenced their research and provide accurate references.

Author Appeals & Support

The author has the right to send an appeal to the editorial office of the journal by sending an e-mail. The appeal must provide a detailed justification, including all point-by-point responses to the reviewer's or Editors' comments. Expert advisory recommendations on the manuscript may recommend acceptance, for further peer review, or uphold the original rejection decision. A reject decision at this stage is final and cannot be reserved but, in some cases, as per the request by the author, it can be reconsidered by our team after needful updates and corrections only.

To support the Author in the submission of articles, please visit the journal's homepage. For any issues and queries, you may write us to our editorial office at

Policy on Allegations and research misconduct

Innovative Publication resolves all the allegations and research misconduct on publication ethics and publication malpractice. We follow the code of conduct and best publication practices in scientific publication and adhere to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (IJCME).


  • Authors must certify that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing practice.
  • Submitting or releasing someone else hypothesis or idea, stealing content and research work is an abuse of the original creator's work and is considered to be unethical.
  • Research misconduct is considered to be fabrication and plagiarism which does not include errors while writing by the author or differences in thoughts of the co-authors.
  • Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes at any point in time if the author(s) discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the submitted manuscript the corresponding authors will be asked to provide an explanation and evidence if required.
  • If the author of the reported article accepts the misconduct complaint, the editorial office will take action depending on the situation.
  • After the article publication article gets reported of any misconduct than an erratum or retraction may be necessary to remedy the situation.
  • If the misconduct is reported during the review process, the review process may continue, with the author(s) making the relevant changes.
  • Non-reporting of observed misconduct, and covering up suspected research misconduct by others is also considered to be unethical.

Our team will definitely take necessary action for any reported allegations and research misconduct.


Retraction Policy

Innovative Publication will do retraction of articles when there are significant errors, Ethical concerns and fraudulent data in the published work. Retractions are a way for journals to maintain the integrity of the scientific record. This can happen for many reasons like plagiarism, falsification of data, Ethical violations, multiple submissions of articles and authorship issues, etc.
Every retraction issued will lead to publication for providing a valid reason for it or sometimes an author explanation is needed as well and we follow the COPE Retraction guidelines. Please contact for such cases.



It is a small error or mistake, typically one found in a printed work after it has been published. These errors are specific errors such as typos, formatting, graphical changes, or spelling mistakes, grammatical errors etc but do not alter the original findings of the research. Erratum occurs when the publishers make mistakes instead of the authors, thus there is no fee associated with them for the author. It is given by the editor production team and mistakes will be underlined and will be mentioned in a separate section at the end of the print copy if the errors will be notified under a specific time period.



These errors which is found in printed work after the publishing of the manuscript. These errors are specific errors such as Spelling errors, changes in the author's affiliation, documentation or any legal changes, requests for more authors, content addition and omissions of information, etc. which are associated with authors. If these changes are minor then can be rectified and the article will be printed in another issue with correction if major errors are there will lead to some costing and proper discussion or investigation if required and will be published in other print copies after correction.


Plagiarism is not acceptable including copyright, text ideas, image from another source, or even from your own published content without giving any credit to the original source. To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one’s own, use another’s production without crediting the source” or “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source”. We consider “self-plagiarism” as a form of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism would be when an author borrows from his or her own previously published work without the proper citation within the newly submitted manuscript. We use iThenticate software to check plagiarism. If plagiarism is found or noticed from other sources, the editorial board should check the status. If the plagiarism is confirmed as an intentional thing, then the following actions will be carried out. This should be reported to the editorial board, authors, and corresponding authors and all authors' names will be marked on the blacklist.

Innovative Publication uses Plagiarism detection software and will deal with cases of plagiarism according to COPE Guidelines.

Prevention of Digital Content

Innovative Publication has a primary partnership with CLOCKSS Archive to provide long-term digital preservation. CLOCKSS is a collaborative project between 14 leading publishers and 34 institutional libraries to provide a ‘dark archive’ that guarantees long-term preservation and access. It uses the LOCKS technology to archive all material from participating publishers.

Innovative is committed to the prevention of Digital Content to publish as Open Access to ensure the indefinite preservation of our publications, all content published within by innovative is permanently archived in the following database:

The CLOCKSS archives

Innovative retains copies of the submitted manuscript and supporting files. However, articles that are rejected will comply with requests from authors to delete files for the purpose of record-keeping.

Repository Policy

Authors can deposit their published article in any repository. After publication of the article in the journal, authors are allowed and encouraged to submit their content online (for example, in institutional repositories or on their website). As this can result in fruitful discussions and earlier and more frequent citation of published work which can help to promote the accessibility and reproducibility of research findings for others.

Open Access

Open Access (OA) is the publication of content that is distributed and available online free of cost along with unrestricted access such as journal articles and books. OA content is open to all without paying any fee or subscription charges. Innovative Publication articles are freely available immediately after publication without any registration in any database. This means that researchers, students, readers, scholars, and any layperson from anywhere and anytime have rapid access to the latest research content via Innovative Open Access (OA) Policy. Know more about Open Access

Funder Registry

Funder Registry

Innovative Publication strives to maintain a clear and transparent record of the scientific progress of the funder registry. Funders are required to report on the outcomes of the research they have supported, this poses a significant challenge. Publishers cannot easily report to funders which articles result from research supported by specific funders or grants. In response, funders have to mine publication data in order to track funding sources, which are accessible to the entire scholarly community. Innovative article metadata, however, is not just limited to information about authors, DOIs, abstracts, and citations. As a publisher, we also include robust and verified information regarding funding agencies and their various awards.


Open Funder Registry

The Crossref Funder Registry is an open archive of funders found throughout the world and their accompanying ID (similar to DOIs and ORCID for authors). Using this registry has the following benefits:

  1. Funding organizations can easily track published results relating to their grants
  2. Monitoring research output by an author’s institution becomes much easier
  3. Innovative can analyze funding sources to aide authors in ensuring compliance with funder mandates
  4. Transparency increase as it relates to who funded the research, the results of the R&D funding, and possible conflicts of interest resulting from that funding


Members contribute by depositing the funding acknowledgements from their publication as part of their standard metadata, together with the unique funder ID listed in the Funder Registry. The deposit should include funder names, funder IDs, and associated grant numbers.

This means that anyone can make connections, for example, to identify which funders invest in certain fields of research. Funding data is also used by funders to track the publications that result from their grants.

As of its launch, Funder Registry is open to participation from any Crossref member publisher. Funders and other interested parties can search the Funder Registry database at

ORCID for Authors

We recommend authors to create an ORCID iD or link the existing profile prior to publication, an ORCID iD must be provided for the corresponding author, as well as the rest of contributing authors. If you already have an ORCID iD, you will be asked to provide it. If you do haven’t registered with ORCID yet, we will help you to create an ORCID iD at the point of submission of the manuscript. ORCID is not required for submission of the manuscript or the peer-review process of the manuscript, but we will not be able to publish your manuscript online until an ORCID id is provided.

What is ORCID?

ORCID is a non-profit organization that provides researchers with a unique digital identifier. These identifiers can be used by publishers, authors, editors, funding agencies, and institutions to reliably identify individuals in the same way that ISSNs and DOIs identify journals and articles. The ORCID website provides researchers with a page where your comprehensive research activity can be stored.

How can I obtain ORCID iD? 

  • Registration is free at It takes only a few seconds.
  • Your registration only once and can use your ORCID iD permanently.

 After registration, you will get a 16-digit unique ORCID record that you can use in terms of content and decide who will be able to see it. When you submit a paper, you can be sure that your work takes on a life of its own, you will always be credited. We encourage authors to sign up and submit their ORCID iD along with their paper submission.


How can Author use ORCID iD? 

  1. Authors are having the facility to update their ORCID iD with a manuscript submission portal account which is created by the author for submission of the manuscript which is MPRP – Manuscript Peer-Review Process.
  2. MPRP is a manuscript submission portal if needed; you can also register for the id during the submission process as mentioned above.
  3. Sharing your ORCID id record makes it easier to draw attention to your work and show your academic track activity in a concise format. It will help improve the discoverability of your research and support collaboration within the research community.


Innovative organize several training sessions to enable more awareness for authors, reviewers, and editors to receive proper credit for their work. Visit for more details on Innovative Publication – Events and Training Program

Visit for more details about

Researcher’s Profile

Innovative ensure that your research contributions as authors and peer reviewers are correctly attributed to you. We created Researchers Profile an in-house platform to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and creative activities.

The researcher's profile is a platform to provide an opportunity to researchers, faculties, professionals, scholars and academicians in the scientific community to update and maintain all publication records and details. It helps researchers to maintain their own publication profile on a single platform and share information globally in the researcher community. For more information and details, Please visit


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