
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

IP International Journal of Aesthetic and Health Rejuvenation

The effect of low serum vitamin d in pre-diabetic individual

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Case Report

Author Details: Chhavi Goel*,C M. Batra,B D. Harplani

Volume : 3

Issue : 2

Online ISSN : XXXX


Article First Page : 48

Article End Page : 49


Diabetes and vitamin D are prevalent diseases. We need strong measures to control the episodes of their occurrence. Vitamin D deficiency and insulin resistance are entwined. On vitamin D deficiency rectification the expansion of diabetes in between the age 15 to 55 years was reduced. The contributors were explained their role in the study & their consent was taken. An inclusion and exclusion criterion was purely determined. No participant was on oral medication. The undersigned givers had vitamin D deficiency and hence were supplemented. Some used oral and some used injectable form too. The yield was certainly extraordinary. The research study acclaimed the brilliant outcomes. The rectified levels of vitamin D showed reduced levels of fasting & Post prandial blood glucose and HbA1C post intervention in both the genders. Hereafter, the study verified that vitamin D has the effective position in managing blood glucose & insulin sensitivity in pre-diabetes (p?0.001).

Keywords: Pre-diabetes, Vitamin D, Vitamin D deficiency, Diabetes, Serum calcium levels.

Doi No:-10.18231