Print ISSN:-2581-382X

Online ISSN:-2581-3838


Current Issue

Year 2024

Volume: 10 , Issue: 4

IP International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging

Assesment of morphological changes of articular eminence and condyle using CBCT

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Original Article

Author Details: Sravya Vemareddy*,A Kannan,P Raghuram,N Kannan

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Online ISSN : 2581-3838

Print ISSN : 2581-382X

Article First Page : 58

Article End Page : 62


Objectives: To measure the inclination 1. Height of articular eminence using CBCT; 2. To measure the length and width of condyles using CBCT. 3. To evaluate and compare above changes in pain and non painful joints.
Aim: The aim of the present study is to assess the morphological changes of articular eminence and condyle in temporomandibular joint disorder patients.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 50 patients (i.e.100 joints), in which 23 are males and the rest 27 are females. These 50 patients are divided into two groups, in which, patients with painful joints are considered as study group and non painful joints were kept as control group.
Statistical Analysis and Results: Independent sample t-test was used to determine the differences in height and inclination of articular eminence and condylar length and width. Pearson correlation coefficient used to find the relation between two quantitative variables of articular eminence height and inclination with condylar width and length. There exists no difference in pain and non painful joints in TMJ patients (p>0.05).
Conclusion: In the present study there were no significant changes in morphology of articular eminence and condyle in pain and non painful joints.

 Keywords: Articular eminence, Condyle, CBCT, TMDs, TMJ, Imaging.

Doi No:-10.18231/j.ijmi.2019.017