
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

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IP Journal of Urology, Nephrology and Hepatology Science

Treatment of tumour in horseshoe kidney: Our experience

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Original Article

Author Details : Sanjay P Dhangar*, Avais A Syed, Ajay Bani, Priyanka Gangurde, Rahul Ravariya

Volume : 2, Issue : 4, Year : 2019

Article Page : 60-64

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Introduction: Horseshoe kidney is a developmental disorder of genitourinary system and is a renal fusion anomaly. This condition is itself rare in its occurrence. The occurrence of tumour in a horseshoe kidney is further rare. The tumour is more common in isthmus followed by the right and left side. It is more common in males with ratio of 2:1. If a tumour occurs in a horseshoe kidney, the best treatment is to remove the tumour surgically. We here present our experience of dealing tumour in horseshoe kidney at our institute.
Materials and Methods: This retrospective surgery was done in SMBT Institute of Medical Sciences and Research centre, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. All patients who were diagnosed with tumour in horseshoe kidneys and operated later on, from August 2016 to July 2019 were included in this study. Total three patients were included in the study. The preoperative diagnosis was made using ultrasonography (USG), computed tomography (CT) urography and CT angiography. Check-up examinations were carried out approximately 1,3 and 6 months after the surgery using USG, CT, and X-ray of the chest. Radical nephrectomy or heminephrectomy was performed in all the cases.
Results: Total three patients were included in the study. Out of this two were male and one was female. Haematuria was the first symptom in one patient. Pain in abdomen was the first symptom in one and one patient was diagnosed incidentally with tumour in horseshoe kidney.
One patient had tumour in right half of the kidney one had tumour in left half of the horseshoe kidney and third one had tumour in the isthmus that was extending into the right kidney. One patient had tumour in upper pole and two had tumour localised to lower pole. The maximum size of tumour was 10 cms and minimum size was 6 cms. In two patients, lumbar posterolateral incision was used for heminephrectomy and in one midline incision was taken because the tumour was present in the isthmus and extending to the right half. During follow-up examinations, all the patients were free of metastases.
Conclusion: RCC is the most common malignant tumour in horseshoe kidney. When surgical intervention is planned, a CT angiography should be done to get a real picture of the renal vasculature and the isthmus specially. Organ preserving surgery can be done depending on the size and site of the tumour. Surgery can be done by open, laproscopic or robotic means.

Keywords: Horseshoe shoe kidney, Tumour in horseshoe kidney, RCC in horseshoe kidney, Isthmus tumour in horseshoe kidney, Renal CT angiography.

How to cite : Dhangar S P, Syed A A, Bani A , Gangurde P, Ravariya R, Treatment of tumour in horseshoe kidney: Our experience. J Urol Nephrol Hepatol Sci 2019;2(4):60-64

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