
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

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IP Journal of Urology, Nephrology and Hepatology Science

Comparison of tramadol drip versus local application of prilocaine for ESWL

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Original Article

Author Details : Anuj Mahajan, Prashanth Adiga, Aaron Fernandes*, John Joseph S Martis

Volume : 4, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 4-6

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Background: Calculus of the urinary tract affects a large amount of population.  Extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has become the treatment of choice in patients with renal calculus .However pain diring the procedure is one of the major limitations of the procedure.
Aims: This study was aimed to compare IV drip of tramadol versus local application of prilocaine as the choice of analgesic during ESWL procedure.
Materials and Methods: This was a prospective, double blind study conducted in a tertiary care hospital of Karnataka .Patients who met the inclusion criteria were randomized into two groups of 18 each.Primary and secondary outcomes were compared. 
Results: Patients in Group A tolerated the procedure well with better stone clearance rates.
Conclusions: IV Tramadol achieves a better stone fragmentation rate with less pain and decreased dutaion than local application of prilocaine.

Keywords: Eswl, Tramadol, Prilocaine, Renal calculi.

How to cite : Mahajan A , Adiga P , Fernandes A , Martis J J S, Comparison of tramadol drip versus local application of prilocaine for ESWL. J Urol Nephrol Hepatol Sci 2021;4(1):4-6

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