
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

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IP Journal of Urology, Nephrology and Hepatology Science

Urethral duplication with review of literature

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Case Report

Author Details : Shivam Priyadarshi*, Nachiket Vyas

Volume : 2, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 6-7

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An eight year old boy with complete duplication of urethra presented with continent voiding per rectum and few drops from the normal meatal site on straining. The boy had stenotic native penile urethra and an ectopic urethral opening just inside the anus. Cystourethrogram confirmed saggital Y duplication of urethra. Investigations revealed no other anomaly except duplication of ureters on left side. We report this case because of its extreme rarity.

Keywords: Urethra, Abnormalities, Duplication.

How to cite : Priyadarshi S, Vyas N, Urethral duplication with review of literature. J Urol Nephrol Hepatol Sci 2019;2(1):6-7

Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and J Urol Nephrol Hepatol Sci. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (