
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

IP Journal of Urology, Nephrology and Hepatology Science

Table of Contents

Year-2019 | Volume: 2 | Issue 4

Online since Friday ,31 January 2020

Accessed 634 times.

Review Article

Nephrotoxicity, its mechanism and biomarkers: A systematic review

Author : Hemalatha S, Shivakumar Swamy, Narayan Sha Sonar, Hariprasad M.G, Nandini S

Doi :   Page No : 45-49

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Periodontitis and liver disease a relation - Review

Author : Shaik Ali Hassan

Doi :   Page No : 53-56

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Original Article

Practice brief: “LUMP” a novel acronym for reporting renal stone

Author : Gautam Ram Choudhary, Suresh Goyal, Pritesh Jain, Manish, Prateek Gupta, Likhiteshwar Pallagani

Doi :   Page No : 57-59

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Treatment of tumour in horseshoe kidney: Our experience

Author : Sanjay P Dhangar, Avais A Syed, Ajay Bani, Priyanka Gangurde, Rahul Ravariya, Yogesh Rathod, Akshyat Tyagi

Doi :   Page No : 60-64

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Case Report

Acute gastroenteritis induced renal cortical necrosis: A rare cause of acute kidney injury

Author : Rajesh Kumar, Amit Kumar Singh, Gian Prakash, Saurabh Kumar

Doi :   Page No : 65-67

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