Print ISSN:-

Online ISSN:-2582-6387

Current Issue

Year 2024

Volume: 6 , Issue: 3

IP Journal of Surgery and Allied Sciences

Relation of site and size of Tympanic membrane perforation on Hearing loss with help of PTA

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Original Article

Author Details: Anil HT,Natasha Byahatti*

Volume : 1

Issue : 4

Online ISSN : 2582-6387

Print ISSN :

Article First Page : 82

Article End Page : 85


Tympanic membrane (TM) perforation is common condition worldwide especially in developing countries. TM perforation size and site is noted. The hearing loss is directly related to the size of the perforation and hearing loss is more when in posterior quadrant than anterior quadrant considering eustachian tube is normal. This study is done find the relation of site and size of Tympanic membrane perforation with Hearing loss in individual with normal eustachian tube function, with Respect to Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA).

Keywords: Pure tone audiometry, Eustachian tube, Tympanic membrane.

Doi No:-10.18231