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Year 2020

Volume: 4 , Issue: 2

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Journal of Society of Indian Physiotherapists

Effectiveness of FIFA\'s 11 Excercise Program on the Agility Performance in Young Football Players

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Author Details : Tapas K Pal, Sourov Saha

Volume : 1, Issue : 2, Year : 2017

Article Page : 60-66

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Background: “The 11” injury prevention programme was developed by FIFA’s medical research centre (F-MARC) to help reduce the risk of injury in adult football players. There is a paucity of evidence regarding the use of injury prevention program for children participating in sport. Thus the objective of this study was to determine the suitability and effectiveness of “The 11” for younger football players and improving their agility performance. Aims: To check effectiveness of FIFA’s 11 exercise program on the agility performance of young football players under the age group of 11.
Design: Pre-post experimental design.
Methods: Fifty [25 experimental (EXP), 25 control (CON)] young football players (age 9.2 ± 1.04 yr) participated. The EXP group followed “The 11” training programme 5 days per week, for 6 weeks, completing all exercises. Prior to, and after the intervention, both EXP and CON groups performed football-specific physical tests.
Statistical analysis: Changes in performance scores between the groups were compared using independent t-tests (p ? 0.05). Number of injuries which occurred during the study in either group was recorded.
Result: A significant pre post difference in experimental group was seen for Horizontal 3 step jump test and Illinois Agility test (p <0> Conclusion: Given the observed improvements in the agility performance with physical abilities and perceived benefits of “The 11”, it would appear that the program is appropriate and should be included in the training of young football players, for both physical development and potential injury prevention purposes.

Keywords: Agility, Injury, Football, Children, Prevention.

How to cite : Pal T K, Saha S, Effectiveness of FIFA\'s 11 Excercise Program on the Agility Performance in Young Football Players. J Soc Indian Physiother 2017;1(2):60-66

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