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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

The clinical profile of intellectually disabled children in pediatric OPD at tertiary care center in Jaipur, Rajasthan, West India

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Original Article

Author Details : Sushil Kumar Rohilwal, Abhishek Saini , Jitendra Kumar Gupta*, Dinesh Kumar Chandak, Gunjan Agrawal

Volume : 10, Issue : 2, Year : 2020

Article Page : 75-78


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Background: Intellectual disability (ID) is a global public health concern. Prevalence of ID and its
association with age and other demographic factors is required for planning purpose in India. Psychiatric
disorders are ubiquitous and affect not only adults but children and adolescents too. Also the age factor
plays an important role in pattern of this psychiatric disorder. The objective of following is to study
the clinical profile of intellectually disabled children in the study sample and prevalence of ID and its
association with sex, age and other demographic factors.
Materials and Methods: A total of 180 patients diagnosed as ID were included in this study from
feburary-2104 to November-2018 record of patients visiting paediatric outdoor. Sex, age and living area
were evaluated for each child. IQ was assessed by Seguin form board test (SFBT), Gesell’s Drawing Test
(GDT), Coloured Progressive Matrices test and Standard Progressive Matrices test and adaptive skills by
Vineland Social Maturity Scale. IQ was assessed by the clinical psychologist.
Results: The prevalence of ID was 154 of the total disabilities recorded. Prevalence of ID with mild and
moderate grade was higher among urban area (p=0.001) whereas case diagnosed as severe ID were more
in rural area. Out of 154 patients 84% patients had significant co morbidity. The prevalence of mild &
moderate grade ID was more with other group of disease (p=0.004) as compared to cases with cerebral
palsy and ADHD. No notable sex difference was seen.
Conclusion: Proper assessment centres for children with ID should be developed. Proper awareness,
referral system, resources availability and regular follow up should be included in protocol management of
ID. Provision for psycho-education for parents, teachers, society members must be a part of management

Keywords: ID-Intellectual disabilities, Prevalence, IQ-Intelligent quotient, Psychiatric morbidity.

How to cite : Rohilwal S K , Saini A, Gupta J K , Chandak D K , Agrawal G , The clinical profile of intellectually disabled children in pediatric OPD at tertiary care center in Jaipur, Rajasthan, West India. Panacea J Med Sci 2020;10(2):75-78

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