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Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 10, Issue : 2, Year : 2020
Article Page : 104-107
Introduction: Pseudoexfoliation syndrome is seen commonly above 60 years of age. It can lead to various
complications such as poor dilatation of pupil, increased IOP and intraoperative complications such as
zonular dehiscence or capsular rupture, vitreous loss and subluxation of intraocular lens. Pseudoexfoliative
glaucoma is one of the common types of secondary open angle glaucoma. Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
can also cause ocular surface disorders due to tear film instability. Hence this study was done to assess the
prevalence of dry eyes in patients with pseudoexfoliation.
Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive study which involved 150 eyes with pseudoexfoliation
syndrome. Tear secretion assessment was done using Schirmer’s test I. Then the tear film stability was
evaluated using Tear break-up time(TBUT). Ocular surface damage was assessed using Fluorescein staining
and Lissamine green staining.
Result: Schirmer’s test I, 144 eyes out of 150 eyes had Schirmer’s test value more than 15 mm (96%) . 4
eyes (2.6%) had value between 10-15 mm .2 eyes (1.4%) had value between 5-10 mm.Six eyes with dry
eye syndrome were identified by Schirmer’s test I. Tear breakup time was decreased in 3 eyes (between
7-9 seconds). Three eyes with dry eye syndrome were identified by TBUT test. Fluorescein staining was
positive in one eye. Lissamine staining was positive in 2 eyes with score of 2 and 3. In this study of
pseudoexfoliation patients, there were 9 eyes(6%) with dry eye syndrome.
Conclusion: Early recognition of dry eye syndrome in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome can
reduce ocular morbidity and prevent a significant compromise in their quality of life.
Keywords: Pseudoexfoliation, Dry eye syndrome.
How to cite : Gowthaman A S, Sanjana E F , Prasanth H R , Dry eyes in patients with pseudoexfoliation –A descriptive study. Panacea J Med Sci 2020;10(2):104-107
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Panacea J Med Sci. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (