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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Study of utilisation pattern of fixed dose drug combinations used in pediatric patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital of Eastern India

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Original Article

Author Details : Aparajita Mohapatra, Rajlaxmi Upadhyay*, Rajendra Kumar Panda, Manas Ranjan Upadhyay, Trupti Rekha Swain

Volume : 10, Issue : 3, Year : 2020

Article Page : 337-342


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Introduction: Fixed dose combinations (FDC) enhance the efficacy of individual drugs, decrease the chances of drug resistance, improve patient compliance and also decrease the pill burden on the patients. Irrational prescribing of FDCs is a major health concern.
Aims & Objectives: To study the utilisation pattern of fixed dose drug combinations used in paediatric patients
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted during September 2014 to October 2015 in paediatric patients visiting the OPD of a tertiary care teaching hospital of eastern India. After obtaining informed consent, prescriptions were collected from OPD every Thursday from 10 A.M. to 1P.M. and data analyzed and evaluated as per W. H. O. prescribing indicators.
Results: 1380 prescriptions were collected and analysed. It was found that most FDCs were antibiotics, multivitamins formulations, analgesic-antipyretic combinations, cough and cold preparations. 
Conclusion: There is an increasing trend towards prescribing FDCs. Many of the FDCs are not included in the WHO Model list of essential medicines and the National List of Essential Medicines. Assessment of prescribing pattern in medical care facilities helps in identifying problems regarding rational use and to propose interventions.

Keywords: Fixed dose combinations (FDC).

How to cite : Mohapatra A, Upadhyay R, Panda R K, Upadhyay M R, Swain T R, Study of utilisation pattern of fixed dose drug combinations used in pediatric patients at a tertiary care teaching hospital of Eastern India. Panacea J Med Sci 2020;10(3):337-342

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