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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

The relationship between headache and convergence insufficiency

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Original Article

Author Details : Sigamani Veni Priya*, Thanasekaran Vijhaya Priya, Purushothaman Amudha, Chellamuthu Lalithambigai

Volume : 11, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 147-150


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Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a common dysfunction of binocular vision. The prevalence of Convergence Insufficiency varies widely ranging from 2% to 27%. The role of CI as a cause of headache is neglected often. In this study, the association between Convergence insufficiency and Headache was being evaluated.
Aim: To assess the prevalence of Convergence Insufficiency in headache patients.
Materials and Methods: A prospective descriptive study included 84 patients in the age group 5 - 36 years with complaints of headache. After taking detailed history about headache pattern and asthenopic symptoms, complete ocular evaluation of both anterior and posterior segment examination, Refraction and Binocular vision assessment was done. Data was analysed by Percentage and Chi square test.
Results: In this study, the prevalence of Convergence Insufficiency was 26.2% among headache patients CI was more common in female patients (63.6%) than in male patients (36.4%). 72.8% of CI was seen in young patients in the age group 10 – 29 years. Frontal headache (78.7%) and Astigmatism (45.5%) was frequently associated with CI. Increase in the Near Point of Convergence (NPC) value and decrease in the value of Base out Prism was associated with asthenopic symptoms in CI patients.
Conclusion: Convergence Insufficiency is frequently associated with headache especially in younger patients. In this electronic era, the demand for near work has increased. Apart from thorough refractive evaluation, binocular vision assessment is also important in younger patients presenting with headache.

Keywords: Asthenopia, Convergence, Astigmatism, Headache.

How to cite : Priya S V, Priya T V, Amudha P , Lalithambigai C , The relationship between headache and convergence insufficiency. Panacea J Med Sci 2021;11(1):147-150

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