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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Patients satisfaction from hospital services in 2019

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Original Article

Author Details : Vivek K. Pande, Shilpa Kuthe, Jayadeep Nayse, R Kshirsagar*, Manisha Choudhary, Jaya Awale

Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2021

Article Page : 435-440


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Background: Evolution of Hospitals has occurred from being an isolated sanatorium to a hospital with five star facilities Expectations of patient and their relatives have increased manifold due to improved socio-economic status and education level of society. Therefore satisfaction levels of patients and their relatives, is an important indicator of performance of hospital.
Objectives : This study was conducted to evaluate satisfaction among admitted patients of clinical departments of tertiary care hospital in central India, during calendar year 2019.
Materials and Methods : This was cross-sectional study, started after obtaining permission from Institutional Ethics committee of Medical College in Central India. 3004 patients and their relatives, who were willing to participate in study, were requested to reply to 20 questions about health care services (Ten clinical and Ten non clinical questions); 20 pre validated,pre-tested , easy to understandquestions were used in this hospital in 2019, and questions were translated in local language Hindi and Marathi ,as per standard protocol. All included respondents were interviewed at time of discharge and were requested to reply to 20 questions.
Results & Interpretation & Conclusions : Data of satisfaction level was analyzed using t-Test [unpaired]. Mean score in % of satisfaction in Ten Non clinical parameter was 82.49% with S.D. 10.07% and in clinical parameters was 97.45% with S.D. 0.90%. This difference is statistically significant (P-value <0>
Keywords: Behavior, Cleanliness, Expectation, Hospital services, Questionnaire, Satisfaction

How to cite : Pande V K, Kuthe S, Nayse J, Kshirsagar R, Choudhary M, Awale J, Patients satisfaction from hospital services in 2019. Panacea J Med Sci 2021;11(3):435-440

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