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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Convalescent plasma extraction: Our recent experience

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Original Article

Author Details : Susmita Behera, Nihar Ranjan Sahoo, Rashmita Panigrahi, Chitta Ranjan Prasad*

Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2021

Article Page : 557-560


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Covid-19 is currently a big threat to global health. As many drugs are tried but currently there is no approved treatment for covid-19. The management plan is supportive care with supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation. Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), Government of India has approved convalescent plasma from patients recovered from Covid-19 for treatment of moderate to severe COVID-19 infection cases. Plasma bank of Odisha blood bank, MKCG MCH was involved in the convalescent plasma extraction for treatment of covid-19 patients. Prospective study was undertaken from 5 August 2020 to 5 December, 2020 to evaluate the plasma donors with respect to age wise distribution and common blood group affected. A total 340 donors donated convalescent plasma which commonly were in the age group 31-40 years followed by 21-30 years. Most common donors were from the O+ve blood group and no donors from AB-ve group. Female donors constituted only 1.7 % of total donors. It might be worthwhile to test the safety and efficacy of convalescent plasma transfusion in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. CP therapy might be a promising treatment option for COVID-19 rescue. Convalescent plasma has been considered a potential modality of treatment for COVID-19 infection.

Keywords: Covid 19, Convalescent Plasma, Plasma Therapy

How to cite : Behera S, Sahoo N R, Panigrahi R, Prasad C R, Convalescent plasma extraction: Our recent experience. Panacea J Med Sci 2021;11(3):557-560

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