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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Study of assessing diagnostic efficacy of squash smear technique and frozen section by comparing with histopathology in CNS lesions, with special reference to IHC

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Original Article

Author Details : Pakam Dinusha, Vallapureddy Thejaswini, V. Ananta Kiran Kumar, A. Janakiram Reddy, Sama Snehaja Reddy*

Volume : 13, Issue : 1, Year : 2023

Article Page : 188-197


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Introduction: Central nervous system (CNS) squash cytology (CSC) has established itself as a technically simple, rapid, inexpensive, fairly accurate, and dependable intraoperative diagnostic tool. It helps neurosurgeons immensely when management is dependent on it.
Aims : To asses the efficacy of squash cytology in the intraoperative diagnosis of CNS lesions by comparing with histopathological diagnosis.
Materilals and Methods: The present study is a prospective study done for one and a half year includes 43 patients who presented to the department of neurosurgery with complaints of a headache, backache, epilepsy and radiologically diagnosed to have a space occupying lesion. Only the cases where either squash cytology or frozen section was performed were included in the study.
Results : In the present study, it is observed as Out of 43 cases, squash cytology is performed in 42 cases in which histopathological diagnosis is correlated in 36 cases with a diagnostic accuracy of 85.7%. The diagnostic accuracy of squash cytology in common CNS tumors gliomas and meningiomas was 92.8% and 100% respectively. Out of the 43 cases, the frozen section is performed in 42 cases of which histopathological diagnosis is correlated in 37 cases with a diagnostic accuracy of 87%. The diagnostic accuracy of frozen section in common CNS tumors gliomas and meningiomas was 85.7% and 100% respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of frozen section in the identification of tumor was 94.7% and 100%. The positive predictive value and negative predictive value of the frozen section in the identification of the neoplastic lesion was 100% and 66.6% respectively.
Conclusion: Squash cytology and frozen section are preliminary diagnostic methods, which should always be followed by a definitive histopathological diagnosis.

Keywords : Squash cytology, Histopathological diagnosis, Frozen section

How to cite : Dinusha P, Thejaswini V, Kumar V A K, Reddy A J, Reddy S S, Study of assessing diagnostic efficacy of squash smear technique and frozen section by comparing with histopathology in CNS lesions, with special reference to IHC. Panacea J Med Sci 2023;13(1):188-197

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