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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Surgical profile of patients with of benign breast disease at a tertiary care centre: A hospital based retrospective study

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Original Article

Author Details : Vishwanath S Mogali, Prashanth Kumar B, Prashanth N Hudge, Arun Kumar Tukaram*

Volume : 13, Issue : 2, Year : 2023

Article Page : 381-385


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Background: Benign Breast Diseases, though more frequently responsible for bringing the patient to the doctor, have not found many places in good recent researches. Benign lesions of the breast have assumed increasing importance in recent years because of the public awareness of breast cancer. These benign lumps are a recognized important risk factor for later breast cancer.
Objective: To study the surgical profile of patient with benign breast disease
Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at ESIC medical college and Hospital Gulbarga, India. Study conducted after approval of Scientific committee and Ethical committee. Records of all patients undergoing breast surgery from the period March 2016 to March 2021 were analysed, and age, sex, laterality, diagnosis and surgery performed were noted.
Results: The most common type of benign breast disease was fibroadenoma in 58.4% of the cases. The most common age group affected was 21-30 years seen in 60.3% of the cases. Right side was most commonly affected in 57.3% of the cases. Benign breast disease as expected is more common in females (98.7%) compared to males who had only eight cases. Most common type of surgery performed was excision in all cases except for duct ectasia in which case microdochtecomy was performed. Circumareolar type of incision was most commonly used in all cases.
Conclusion: Fibroadenoma was most common type of benign breast disease affecting 21-30 years of age commonly and right side. Excision remains the most commonly performed surgery for benign breast disease. Most of benign breast lumps surgery was done using circumareolar incision.

Keywords: Breast disease, Benign, Cyst, Mastectomy, Incision

How to cite : Mogali V S, Prashanth Kumar B, Hudge P N, Tukaram A K, Surgical profile of patients with of benign breast disease at a tertiary care centre: A hospital based retrospective study. Panacea J Med Sci 2023;13(2):381-385

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