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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Barriers to compliance to topical anti-glaucoma medication among glaucoma patients

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Original Article

Author Details : Kajal H Kataria*, Snehal J Nayi, Purvi R Bhagat

Volume : 13, Issue : 2, Year : 2023

Article Page : 447-454


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Introduction: Medical management is the primary modality of therapy for primary open angle glaucoma. Due to the nature and complexity of treatment and its chronicity, noncompliance is an important limiting factor for its success. In our study, we attempt to identify the barriers affecting adherence, persistence & compliance to topical anti-glaucoma medications in order to be able to overcome them.
Materials and Methods: A structured validated questionnaire identifying various barriers, like demographic, social, physical, medication related, doctor related and patient related, affecting compliance, adherence and persistence to topical anti-glaucoma medications was administered to 300 consenting patients. Results were analyzed using SPSS 19.0 software.
Result: In our study, 89% of patients were found adherent to the treatment and 62 % were fully compliant. Compliance was found to be better in patients with higher education, good income, positive family history of glaucoma, awareness about the disease consequences; in patients who were given clear instructions by prescriber; and in those who were self-dependent for drug instillation.
Conclusion: Identification of barriers affecting compliance, adherence and persistence to medical treatment can help to develop strategies to overcome them. A simplified regimen should be prescribed to aid in compliance. Efforts must also be made by medical professionals to educate the patients about the nature and severity of disease, its outcome, importance of regular and continued use of topical medications, technique of drug instillation and necessity of follow up visits.

Keywords: Adherence, barriers, compliance, persistence, topical medication

How to cite : Kataria K H, Nayi S J, Bhagat P R, Barriers to compliance to topical anti-glaucoma medication among glaucoma patients. Panacea J Med Sci 2023;13(2):447-454

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