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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Retrospective analysis of clinical presentation and outcome of COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients in a tertiary care hospital from South India

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Original Article

Author Details : Muruganantham B*, Gunavathi G , Elangumanan P , Kanagaraj D

Volume : 13, Issue : 2, Year : 2023

Article Page : 469-475


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Background: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) imposed a serious health challenge to patients on maintenance hemodialysis in developing countries like India. We are presenting our clinical experience, dialysis unit management and outcome of COVID-19 during this pandemic period (April 2020-May-2021).
Materials and Methods: Thisretrospective study was conducted on 60 patients admitted in our hospital due to COVID-19 infection. Patients were treated based on our institutional management protocol. For all patients, Blood sugar, complete haemogram, Blood urea, Serum Creatinine, Serum Electrolytes, Liver function test, serum C-reactive protein (CRP), Serum ferritin, D-Dimer level were done and CT- chest was done to assess the severity of lung involvement.
Results : Sixty patients on maintenance hemodialysis were admitted (n=60) in our hospital with COVID -19 and 32 (52.4%) were in mild, 14 patients each in moderate and severe categories. A spectrum of clinical presentations among the categories were asymptomatic in 23 (38.3%) patients, 20 (33.3%) had fever with cough and 17 (28.4%) had breathlessness. Males were 41 (68.3%), mean age was 53.8112.77yrs. Median dialysis vintage was 27.7 (13.8-41.5) months and mortality rate 10%. Remdesivir was administered in 17 patients (28.3%). Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), D-Dimer levels were significantly elevated with disease severity (<0> Conclusion: Mortality was low in this study group (10%), NLR; D-Dimer levels were significantly elevated with disease severity. Serum CRP and D-Dimer levels were significantly elevated in the mortality group.

Keywords: COVID­19, D­Dimer, Maintenance dialysis, Outcome, RT­PCR, Remdesivir

How to cite : Muruganantham B, Gunavathi G, Elangumanan P, Kanagaraj D, Retrospective analysis of clinical presentation and outcome of COVID-19 in hemodialysis patients in a tertiary care hospital from South India. Panacea J Med Sci 2023;13(2):469-475

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