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Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 13, Issue : 3, Year : 2023
Article Page : 591-596
Background: Gastric cancer is a life-threatening disease accounting for the one of the most common types of disease and second most that cause the cancer which lead to death. Many molecular markers were established as a possible prognostic factor apart from routine grading and TNM staging. The variable prognosis of gastric cancer within a pathological grade necessitates a newer marker which can be correlated with the prognosis and aggressiveness of the disease. ki-67 is a nuclear protein that is known as a marker of cellular proliferation and ribosomal RNA transcription. According to analysis, the ki-67 is a nuclear proliferation antigen affecting the health of the people as it cannot be cycle in the resting phase. Moreover, the fraction of ki-67 is clinical course of various cancers.
Aim: To evaluate the expression of ki-67 LI in gastric cancer and correlate the findings with various clinico-pathological features.
Materials and Methods: Prospective study was conducted from October 2018 to September 2021 at the department of Pathology, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur, Odisha. Two sets of 3–4-micron thickness of tissue sections prepared from blocks of histologically confirmed cases of gastric adenocarcinoma were taken, one for routine H&E and other for ki-67 LI IHC study. IHC protocol of DAKO was followed along with DAB visualisation. The results were correlated with different clinico-pathological features of Gastric cancer.
Results: Higher ki-67 LI was correlated significantly with tumour location, histological grade and type but not with age and sex.
Conclusion: In our study, IHC assessment of ki-67 LI correlates well with histological grade and type of tumour. ki-67 LI can be taken as a useful method in identifying aggressiveness of the tumour with an indication of adjuvant chemotherapy. Post-operative follow-up and large sample size could throw more light.
Keywords: Stomach, Adeno-carcinoma, ki-67LI
How to cite : Tripathy S, Gopal I, Sahu D, Patnaik B, Clinico-pathological evaluation of gastric adeno carcinoma with reference to ki-67 LI immuno-staining. Panacea J Med Sci 2023;13(3):591-596
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