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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Evaluation of immunomodulatory effect of aqueous extract of aloe vera in Wistar albino rat models

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Original Article

Author Details : Subhasish Singh, Rashmita Pradhan*, Rajlaxmi Upadhyay, Nipa Singh, Bandana Ratha

Volume : 14, Issue : 1, Year : 2024

Article Page : 249-254


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Objectives: Aim of the study wasto evaluate the immunomodulatory effects of Aqueous extracts of Aloe vera in Wistar albino rats using humoral immune response (antibody titre), a cellular immune response, and a neutrophil adhesion test after oral administration.
Materialsa and Methods: 24 healthy Wistar albino rats of either sex were divided into 4 different groups containing 6 rats for each immunomodulatory model. Group I ,the control group received gum acacia suspended in normal saline; Group II rats were treated with dexamethasone (1 mg/kg bw)whereas Groups III & IV received AloeVera aqueous extract at a dose of 125 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg, respectively. Each rat was antigenically challenged by injecting 0.1 ml of 0.5?×?10 SRBCs (suspended in normal saline) intraperitoneally. The study of humoral immune response was seen by measurement of antibody titre obtained on 20 day (7 day of Ag challenge) and 27 day (14 day of challenge) with sRBC considered the primary and secondary humoral immune response, respectively. For the cellular immune response, foot pad edema was calculated due to a hypersensitivity reaction after injection of sRBC into the .rat hind paw. A test of neutrophil adhesion is used to evaluate immunomodulatory activity. Aloe vera aqueous extracts at 250 mg/kg significantly improved a significant increase in paw edema volume indicated increased cell-mediated immunity, and elevated Ab titre on the 20th and 27th days served as a marker of increased humoral immune response. Additionally, AVE 250 mg/kg caused an increase in neutrophil adhesion, demonstrating its immunomodulatory effects. Aloe vera aqueous extracts at a dose of 250 mg/kg demonstrated immunomodulatory activity in a model using Wistar albino rats.
Results: Aloe vera extract at a dose of 250 mg/kg significantly increased hemagglutination antibody titers compared to the control group, indicating enhanced humoral immunity.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates the immunostimulant properties of orally administered Aloe vera aqueous extract in Wistar albino rats. The extract increased antibody production, enhanced cell-mediated immunity, and improved neutrophil function. These findings support the potential of Aloe vera as a natural immunomodulator and warrant further exploration of its therapeutic applications.
Keywords: Aqueous extract of Aloe vera, Humoral immune response, Rat paw edema, Cell mediated immune response, Neutrophil adhesion test

How to cite : Singh S, Pradhan R, Upadhyay R, Singh N, Ratha B, Evaluation of immunomodulatory effect of aqueous extract of aloe vera in Wistar albino rat models. Panacea J Med Sci 2024;14(1):249-254

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