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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Assessment of thyroid profile in critically ill patients by using SOFA score in a tertiary care hospital

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Original Article

Author Details : Bhasme Sanjay, Chhajed Neel*, Gajbhiye Asim, Bangad Shubham, Dakre Abhijeet

Volume : 14, Issue : 2, Year : 2024

Article Page : 395-399


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Background: It has been noted in many studies that there are hormonal imbalances in critically ill patients. We have undertaken this study to clarify whether thyroid profile can independently predict mortality & disease severity in ICU patients and whether there is any correlation between the thyroid profile & SOFAS scores.
Materials and Methods: Current study was cross sectional in nature conducted on 152 critically ill sepsis patients. All patients fulfilling eligibility criteria of our study were included.
Results: There were 85 (55.92%) survivors & 67 (44.08%) non-survivors in the study. Mean age of the survivors was 58.33 + 12.56 years vs. 62.46 + 14.22 years among non-survivors. Mean FT3 level was significantly more reduced among non-survivors (1.5 ± 0.77 pmol/l) than the survivors (2.02 ± 0.66 pmol/l). Mean FT4 level though decreased, it did not differ between the two groups. While mean TSH level was significantly raised among non-survivors (5.23 ± 0.96 ?IU/l) than the survivors (4.92 ± 0.96 ?IU/l). Serum FT3 levels in both the groups were negatively correlated with disease severity i.e. duration of mechanical ventilation, duration of ICU stay & with SOFA scores.
Conclusion: FT3 can be used as a proxy indicator of SOFA scores for assessing disease severity & predicting prognosis of critically ill patients in ICU.
Keywords: SOFA score, FT3, Thyroid profile, critically ill, ICU patients

How to cite : Sanjay B, Neel C, Asim G, Shubham B, Abhijeet D, Assessment of thyroid profile in critically ill patients by using SOFA score in a tertiary care hospital. Panacea J Med Sci 2024;14(2):395-399

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