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Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 2, Year : 2016
Article Page : 54-56
To discuss the perioperative auditory rehabilitation practices in patients of profound sensorineural hearing loss, who are potential candidates for cochlear implantation and to deliberate upon the post implant therapy required in order to achieve best results, this review was undertaken. Recent findings like advancements in technology, cochlear implant design and refinements in surgical procedure for cochlear implantation, may give better surgical results and better hearing access, but it is the therapeutic rehabilitation, that would assist these patients in being able to use these devices. Though cochlear implant has established itself in patients with profound sensorineural hearing loss and the importance of a good auditory rehabilitation is recognized, there has not been a serious attempt to converse upon it and adapt it to an Indian setting. Most centers have their own protocols and there is a need to converge these into a working model that can be replicated. A comprehensive educational and habilitation program that would help an implant recipient to achieve maximum benefit is discussed. An implant rehabilitation program should be able to educate parents and caregivers as regards how to use methods in daily activities to help the recipient to develop speech and language. This would go a long way in achieving the best possible results, especially as technology is so advanced in current scenario.
Keywords: Rehabilitation, Auditory, Cochlear implant
How to cite : Kar A K, Patnaik U, Mittal R, Auditory rehabilitation of cochlear implant recipients: A review. Panacea J Med Sci 2016;6(2):54-56
Copyright © 2016 by author(s) and Panacea J Med Sci. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (