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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Epidemiological study of dacryocystitis in rural population

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Original Article

Author Details : Vivek Harkare, Kanchan Dhote, Kunal Shrimal, Nitin Deosthale, Priti Dhoke, Sonali Khadakkar

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2017

Article Page : 11-14

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Chronic dacryocystitis which is an inflammation and infection of lacrimal sac is an important cause of epiphora leading to ocular morbidity in India. Out of many etiological factors of chronic dacryocystitis, poor hygiene and allergy have a major contribution to the disease development. The aim is to find out occurrence of dacryocystitis in patients belonging to various socioeconomic groups and to correlate dacryocystitis with socioeconomic status. The present study is cross sectional hospital based study from June 2016 to Aug 2016 in a tertiary health care centre of central India. The result shows the maximum number of patients belonging to the age groups of 61-70 years (47.32%). Females outnumbered males 69(61.61%) female patients. In this study of 112 patients who underwent surgery for Chronic Dacryocystitis, there were more patients belonging to class III, IV, V of modified B.G Prasad classification. To conclude with, we found that there were greater number of patients belonging to class III of modified B.G. Prasad classification 2014 and maximum patients fell into Class III, IV and V of socioeconomic status criteria indicating that there may be some co-relation between dacryocystitis and poor socioeconomic status.

Keywords: Dacryocystitis, Socioeconomic status, Nasolacrimal duct

How to cite : Harkare V, Dhote K, Shrimal K, Deosthale N, Dhoke P, Khadakkar S, Epidemiological study of dacryocystitis in rural population. Panacea J Med Sci 2017;7(1):11-14

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