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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Adult granulosa cell tumour with yolk sac like areas in a young female

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Case Report

Author Details : Yash Kale, Girish Kadkol, Madhura Phadke, Jaydeep Pol

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2017

Article Page : 45-47

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Granulosa cell tumour (GST) belongs to the sex-cord/stromal tumours of the gonads. We received slides and blocks for review of a 27 years female whounderwent Right oopherectomy. On microscopic examination, architectural pattern was suggestive of either yolk sac tumor andgranulosa cell tumor. Cellular features were suggestive of Granulosa cell tumor because of presence of nuclear grooves. So we decided to go ahead with immunohistochemistry. We used following IHC markers: Inhibin, Calretinin, EMA (Epithelial Membrane antigen), Glypican and PLAP (Placental alkaline phosphatase). Tumor cells were positive for Inhibin, Calretinin and negative for EMA, Glypican and PLAP. We gave a final diagnosis of adult granulosa cell tumor considering morphological and immunohistochemical findings.

Keywords: Sex cord stromal tumor, Granulosa cell tumor, Adult granulosa cell tumor, Inhibin, Calretinin

How to cite : Kale Y, Kadkol G, Phadke M, Pol J, Adult granulosa cell tumour with yolk sac like areas in a young female. Panacea J Med Sci 2017;7(1):45-47

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