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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

A rare case: Episiotomy scar endometriosis with anal sphincter involvement

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Case Report

Author Details : Divya Dewani, Madhuri Gawande, Rasika Pise, Preksha Jain

Volume : 7, Issue : 1, Year : 2017

Article Page : 51-52

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Endometriosis is defined as the presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside uterine cavity. Scar endometriosis being a rare disease is difficult to diagnose. Incisional or scar endometriosis is an even rarer type with an incidence of less than 1%. The quoted episiotomy scar endometriosis incidence is about 0.06-0.07%. Present case is of a 38years old female, married since 15years with one para. She presented with cyclical pain and swelling at episiotomy site. She underwent surgical excision of mass which was suggestive of endometriosis in histopathology.

Keywords: Scar endometriosis, Episiotomy scar endometriosis, Anal sphincter reconstruction

How to cite : Dewani D, Gawande M, Pise R, Jain P, A rare case: Episiotomy scar endometriosis with anal sphincter involvement. Panacea J Med Sci 2017;7(1):51-52

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