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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Job satisfaction and burnout among professionals in corporate sectors

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Original Article

Author Details : Prashant Srivastava, Swarnlata Kumari, Manisha Kiran, Suprakash Chaudhury*, Chetan Diwan

Volume : 9, Issue : 1, Year : 2019

Article Page : 7-10


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Job satisfaction and burnout has become a persistent and pervading feature of various corporate sectors. In present scenario, workers are found to be burnt-out and exhausted very soon and the reason for being exhausted is that they are over burdened and highly competitive. The aim of the present study was to compare the level of job satisfaction and burnout in various corporate sector professionals. This cross sectional, analytical study was carried out at Lucknow. By purposive sampling technique 120 subjects were included from various corporate sectors that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and gave consent for the study. They were evaluated on General Health Questionnaire 12, Job Satisfaction Index and Copenhagen Burnout Inventory. Analysis of assessment tool results showed there was no significant difference in the level of job satisfaction and the degree of burnout, but trend was found in the area of work burnout by multiple comparisons of all groups with Post Hoc Test by Bonferroni Method. The findings of the present study suggest that the level of job satisfaction and the degree of burnout were almost similar in various corporate sectors. However, findings suggest a trend towards higher work burnout in professionals in Multinational Corporation in comparison to the Professionals in Public Sector Corporation.

Keywords: Job satisfaction, Burnout, Public sector, Private sector, Multinational corporation.

How to cite : Srivastava P, Kumari S, Kiran M, Chaudhury S, Diwan C, Job satisfaction and burnout among professionals in corporate sectors. Panacea J Med Sci 2019;9(1):7-10

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