Print ISSN:-2249-8176

Online ISSN:-2348-7682


Current Issue

Year 2024

Volume: 14 , Issue: 3

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Indexed by DOAJ

Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Study of obstetric outcome in antepartum haemorrhage

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Null

Author Details: Jejani Ayushma, Kawthalkar Anjali

Volume : 5

Issue : 3

Online ISSN : 2348-7682

Print ISSN : 2249-8176

Article First Page : 153

Article End Page : 157


The aim of the present study was to study the demographic profile, type of antepartum haemorrhage, maternal and perinatal complications in cases of antepartum haemorrhage and to formulate preventive guidelines so as to reduce maternal and perinatal complications in cases of antepartum haemorrhage. This retrospective study period extends from 1st May 2013 to 30th June 2013. Fifty-seven diagnosed cases of antepartum haemorrhage were included in the study. The data was collected on a predesigned proforma and percentage analysis was done. Out of total 57 diagnosed cases of antepartum haemorrhage, multiparty was the major risk factor observed in present study. Placenta previa was the commonest type of antepartum haemorrhage, abruptio placentae being the second major type. In spite of tertiary care, there was 1 maternal death and high perinatal mortality (21.1%). The present study indicates that uncorrected anaemia (71.9%) is still common in India contributing to increased maternal mortality and also necessitating high requirement of blood transfusion (66.7%). Multiparty (61.4%), previous LSCS (21%) were the major etiological factors contributing to antepartum haemorrhage. Based on the observations made during the study, it can be concluded that antepartum haemorrhage is the major cause of maternal morbidity and perinatal mortality.

: Antepartum haemorrhage, Placenta previa, Abruptio Placentae, Maternal mortality.

Doi No:-10.18231