Neck pain in computer users
Article Type : Original Article
Author Details:
Volume : 6
Issue : 2
Online ISSN : 2348-7682
Print ISSN : 2249-8176
Article First Page : 88
Article End Page : 91
In the modern era of networking, technological advances, particularly, invention of computer revolutionized our way of working. Increase in industrialization and urbanization lead to increase in health issue related to it, neck pain in computer users is one of them. 59% of WRMSDs (work related musculoskeletal disorder) reported annually by IT professionals in India, out of which 30% cases are of neck pain. Sickness absenteeism due to neck pain is 41%. The prevalence of neck pain in computer users in our study was 28%. Data was collected through questionnaire and analyzed through various statistical methods. 40% of computer users have associated complaint like upper limb pain and parasthesias which are related to neck posture. The prevalence is more in females (60%). The neck pain increased with increase in age, 66% neck pain was found in people between 50 -60 years. The prevalence of neck pain was low among those who do regular exercise, in our study only 30% of computer users do regular exercise out of which only 36% develop neck pain.
Keywords: Neck pain, Computer users, Paraesthesias, Neck posture, Upper limb pain
Doi No:-10.18231