Print ISSN:-2249-8176

Online ISSN:-2348-7682


Current Issue

Year 2024

Volume: 14 , Issue: 2

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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Clinico-bacteriological profile of community acquired pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital (rural based)

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Original Article

Author Details: Saurabh Kose,Neelam Jaitly*

Volume : 8

Issue : 2

Online ISSN : 2348-7682

Print ISSN : 2249-8176

Article First Page : 79

Article End Page : 82


Respiratory tract infections are the most frequent of all the infections. Pneumonia is the commonest disease with a high prevalence in the community. The knowledge and identification of organisms causing community acquired pneumonia helps in early start of empirical treatment. The study was carried out to know the bacterial etiology of community acquired pneumonia and to find out the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of isolated bacteria. This study was a prospective cross sectional time based study of 174 patients carried out at tertiary care hospital. Sputum sample was collected and screened by gram’s staining and inoculated on Blood agar, MacConkey’s agar. Antibiotic sensitivity was performed as per CLSI guidelines by Modified Kirby Bauer method. Out of total 174 patients micro-organisms were identified in 102 patients (60%). Micro-organisms isolated in sputum were Klebsiella pneumoniae (46.22%) followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21.69%). Organisms were found to be sensitive to ceftriaxone plus sulbactum, imipenem, piperacillin plus tazobactum, piperacillin and ceftazidime. Most of the patients showed good response to third generation cephalosporin’s, macrolides or in a combination. Bacteriological profile of CAP varies geographically. There is a need to conduct regular prevalence and antibiogram studies to develop empirical guidelines for treatment of CAP.’

Keywords: Pneumonia, Bacteriological profile, Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Doi No:-10.18231/2348-7682.2018.0018