Print ISSN:-2249-8176

Online ISSN:-2348-7682


Current Issue

Year 2024

Volume: 14 , Issue: 2

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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Normal values of modified functional reach test in Indian school going children of age 6 to 12 years

Full Text PDF

Article Type : Original Article

Author Details: Abhijeet Arun Deshmukh,Mrunmayee Mukund Joshi*

Volume : 8

Issue : 3

Online ISSN : 2348-7682

Print ISSN : 2249-8176

Article First Page : 116

Article End Page : 122


Modified functional reach test is valid and reliable tool to assess sitting balance in children in forward and lateral direction. Normative data of modified functional reach test for school going children has not been established yet in central India, as well correlation of anthropometric data with reach distance values not studied, hence this study was undertaken. Total 280 children (6 to 12 years), 140 Boys and 140 Girls, were selected by stratified random sampling method, subdivided into 7 subgroups (10B, 10G in each group) from two schools. Height was measured using stature meter, trunk length and leg length were measured using measuring tape, weight was measured using weighing machine, spinal flexibility was tested with the help of sit and reach test, hamstring angle was measured using goniometer by 90-90 test. Child reached with dominant shoulder at 90 degree of flexion and abduction in forward and lateral direction respectively while sitting on height adjustable stool with hip and knee at 90 degrees and feet placed neutral on ground. The reach distance was measured using a yard stick mounted on the wall, at the height of child’s shoulder. The mean of three successive trials was calculated. Karl Pearson correlation moment product was used to determine correlation between age, gender and anthropometric measurements with modified forward and lateral reach. Normal values of modified forward and lateral reach were observed as 19.53 to 26.48cm and 17.68 to 22.50cm respectively. Height and weight correlated significantly with modified functional reach values.

Keywords: Sitting balance assessment, School children, Modified functional reach, Modified lateral reach, Height, Weight.

Doi No:-10.18231/2348-7682.2018.0027