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Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences

Table of Contents

Year-2021 | Volume: 11 | Issue 1

Online since Thursday ,29 April 2021

Accessed 667 times.

Guest Editorial

Covid-19 and mental wellness

Author : Shefali Mehta, Hemant Dashora, Aditi Mehta, Vishwa Mehta

Doi :   Page No : 1-2

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Review Article

Neck pain and its global predominance: Analytical review

Author : Mohammad Sheebakauser, Sathish Vandanapu, Ali Irani, Mansi Bhartiya, Sabah Taver

Doi :   Page No : 3-9

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Patient demographics, causes, presentations and surgical management in chronic subdural haematoma patients

Author : Bhavuk Kapoor, Mayank Kapoor, Parul Vaid, Sharda Kapoor, Bharat B Kapoor

Doi :   Page No : 17-19

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Serum uric acid estimation and arthralgia in patient receiving regimen containing pyrazinamide

Author : Chinnusamy Kaliannan, Karthikeyan Govindaswamy, Kavi Mani Saalai

Doi :   Page No : 23-26

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Incidence of chronic subdural haematoma in different age groups and its surgical management

Author : Bhavuk Kapoor, Mayank Kapoor, Parul Vaid, Bharat B Kapoor

Doi :   Page No : 27-30

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Joint involvement in Rheumatoid arthritis: Sonographic evaluation in comparison with Radiography

Author : Sharanayya, Shamrendra Narayan, Vandana Verma, Madhu Sharma, Anjana Pande, Vivek Jirankali

Doi :   Page No : 31-36

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Current scenario of leprosy in post elimination era at a tertiary care hospital in central India

Author : Shiva Shankari L, Nitin A Ambhore, Rupali S Mantri

Doi :   Page No : 41-44

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Prophylactic Vancomycin-PMMA Strips are an Easy-to-Use and equally effective alternative to antibiotic beads in open fracture care

Author : Bijay Kumar Lamay, Sikata Nanda, Ramakanta Mohanty, Rabi Narayan Dhar, Priyaranjan Acharya

Doi :   Page No : 45-49

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Clinical profile and outcome of Aki in snake bite patients

Author : Vivek C Ganiger, Avinash Itagi, Deba Prasad Kar, Shiv Shankar Sharma

Doi :   Page No : 53-57

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Comparative study of functional outcome of dynamic compression plating and interlocking nailing for fracture shaft of humerus in adults

Author : K Ram Mohan, K Kishore Kumar, J Venkateshwarlu, T Ashwin Kumar, B Pranav Krishna

Doi :   Page No : 89-98

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Bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibility of neonatal sepsis in neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care medical institute of Eastern India: A retrospective cross-sectional study

Author : Sunil Kishore, Rizwan Ahmar, Amit Kumar, Manish Kumar, Richa Gupta, Anand Kumar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar, Shambhavi Sharan, Jayant Prakash

Doi :   Page No : 99-105

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Clinical profile of malaria in children at a tertiary care hospital of Bihar and evaluation of parasite LDH based rapid diagnostic test for malaria

Author : Amit Kumar, Rizwan Ahmar, Sunil Kishore, Anand Kumar Gupta, Rakesh Kumar, Manish Kumar, Shambhavi Sharan, Jayant Prakash

Doi :   Page No : 106-110

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Aetiological pattern of surgical eye removal in a tertiary care centre in Eastern India

Author : Nazia Imam, Rakhi Kusumesh, Gyan Bhaskar, Mobashir Sarfraz Ali, Bibhuti Prassan Sinha

Doi :   Page No : 111-115

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An observational study on the effectiveness & safety of anti-glaucoma medications in treatment naive patients of primary open angle glaucoma

Author : Aditi Maitra, Shashwat Bhattacharyya, Kumaresh Chandra Sarkar, Shatavisha Mukherjee, Sambuddha Ghosh, Santanu Kumar Tripathi

Doi :   Page No : 134-139

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Concomitant presence of diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis: A hospital-based study

Author : Disha Yadav, Shikha Saxena, Rashmi Katyal, Prem C Srivastava

Doi :   Page No : 140-146

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The relationship between headache and convergence insufficiency

Author : Sigamani Veni Priya, Thanasekaran Vijhaya Priya, Purushothaman Amudha, Chellamuthu Lalithambigai

Doi :   Page No : 147-150

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Forehead crease-An approach to frontal-naso-orbito-ethmoid fractures

Author : Vikas Kakkar, G. S Kalra, Rajiv Sharma

Doi :   Page No : 151-153

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The role of partial cystectomy in benign bladder conditions

Author : Narendar Tiramdas, Sadhan Kumar, PVLN. Murthy, Vinay Kumar Reddy

Doi :   Page No : 154-157

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Lone urethral injury following sexual intercourse- A rare case report abstract

Author : Narendar Tiramdas, Sadhan Kumar, PVLN. Murthy, Vinay Kumar

Doi :   Page No : 158-160

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Case Report

Vanishing traumatic pneumocephalus – An alarm bell for the surgeon

Author : Roopak Dubey, Kamal Kumar Sen, Mayank Goyal, D Sindhu Reddy, Suma M K

Doi :   Page No : 161-164

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