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Rohilwal, Saini, Gupta, Chandak, and Agrawal: The clinical profile of intellectually disabled children in pediatric OPD at tertiary care center in Jaipur, Rajasthan, West India


ID according to WHO has overall prevalence of 1.3% in global scenario.1 This by itself suggests the magnitude of problem in terms of economy for a developing country like us. ID also produces psychological, social, financial disaster to the whole family particularly parents; as they are usually the only constant caretakers.2 The prevalence of ID in India is not well known. India has the world’s largest children population who are at higher risk of developmental disability.3, 4 Prevalence of ID in India varies by age, gender and place of residency. These demographic and geographical failures influence awareness of ID, its prevention and health care rehabilitation service. The issue of prevalence is very important for several errors including population prevention in intervention planning & education, rehabilitation planning and health care service.5 In India, the larger population live in rural setting, with significantly higher rates of poverty, inaccessibility of health care and rehabilitation as compared to urban setting. The difference of prevalence between urban and rural settings with regard to age is needed for planning and development of services.

Aim and Objective

To study the clinical profile of intellectual disabilities to children in study sample as per age, sex, location and its prevalence.

Materials and Methods

Study place was paediatric outdoor patients at tertiary care centre in Jaipur. Study design was retrospective study. Study period from feburary-2014 to November 2018 record of patients visiting paediatric outdoor. Study population was children and adolescent aged 1-16 yr of both sexes whose parents and guardian gave written consent constitute the study population. Sample size of 180 patients diagnosed as MR was included in study. Sampling method consecutive sampling method was used. Sex, age and living condition were evaluated for each child. The state of mental health and psychiatric morbidity was assessed after a thorough clinical assessment. IQ was assessed by Seguin Form Board Test, Gassell’s Drawing Test, Coloured Progressive Matrices Test and Standard Progressive Matrics test and adaptive skills by Vineland Social Maturity Scale According to ICD-10, the level of severity of MR mild (IQ= 50-69), moderate (IQ= 35-49) AND severe (IQ=20-34).1 Data analysis done by Spearman correlation was computed for prevalence of ID and age among child in urban/rural setting. X2-test was applied to determine difference between ID and prevalence. Socio-demographic and clinical details were noted in semi structured performa.

Sample selection

Paediatric patient diagnoses as ID according to ICD 10 were included in the study. A sample of total 180 patients from feburary-2014 to November-2018 record of outdoor patient were taken and data was analysed. Objective data regarding the demographic detail and clinical profile of illness was collected.

Inclusion criteria

All children and adolescent aged 1-16 year of both sexes whose parents and guardian gave written consent.

Exclusion criteria

All children aged above 16 years and all those not given consent was not included in study.


The data obtained about various parameter categorized according to age group, sex, diagnosis and comorbidity were entered in Microsoft excel. All data are tabulated and analysed by Statistical Package for the social science 20.0 version. The information thus generated was presented in tables as frequencies and percentage.

Table 1

Distributions of children with MR by sex

IQ X2 (df) P value
Sex Normal Mild Moderate Severe 4.15(3) 0.245
Male 13(50) 67(69.79) 32(65.23) 7(77.77)
Female 13(50) 29(30.20) 17(34.29) 2(22.22)

[i] The chi square statistics is 4.15; p-value 0.245; This result is not significant at p>0.05

Table 2

Distribution of children with MR by location

IQ X2 (df) P value
Location Normal Mild Moderate Severe 17(3) 0.001
Urban 22(84.61) 64(66.66) 35(71.42) 1(11.11)
Rural 4(15.38) 32(33.33) 14(28.57 8(88.88)

[i] The chi-square statistic is 17; P-value is 0.001; This result is significant at p<0.05

Table 3

Distribution of children with MR by age

IQ X2 (df) P value
Age Normal Mild Moderate Severe 6.64(6) 0.365
0-5 3(11.53) 29(30.20) 13(26.53) 2(22.22)
6-10 13(50) 45(46.87) 25(51.02) 3(33.33)
>10 10(58.46) 22(22.91) 11(22.44) 4(44.44)

[i] The chi-square statistic is 6.64; p-value is 0.365; This result is not significant at p<0.05

Table 4

Distribution of children with MR by severeity

IQ X2 (df) P value
Comorbidy Normal Mild Moderate Severe 18.9(6) 0.004
CP 2(7.69) 26(27.8) 16 (32.65) 1(11.11)
SEIZURE / ADHD 3(11.53) 21(21.87) 5(10.20) 1(11.11)
Other 21(80.76) 49(51.04) 28(57.14 7(77.77)
26(100) 96(100) 49(100) 9(100)

[i] Other -> severe anaemia, RTA, Down Syndrome, Post Traumatic, neurological, genetic metabolic, and psychiatric disorders

[ii] The chi-square statistic is 18.9; p-value is 0.004; This result is significant at p<0.05

Table 5

Pattern of psychiatric morbidity

Diagnosis Number of Patients (%)
CP 32(17.77)
Seizure disorder 27(15)
ADHD 12(6)
Borderline Intellectual Functioning 10(5)
Birth asphyxia 50(27.76)
Severe Anaemia 25(13.88)
Down Syndrome 6(3)
RTA/Post Traumatic 18(10)

[i] CP- cerebral palsy, ADHD – Attention-Deficit/Hyper Activity

Table 5 shows pattern of psychiatric morbidity associated with ID in which among 180 cases maximum number of cases about (50 cases, 27.76%) with birth asphyxia, (32 cases, 17.77%) with cerebral palsy, (27 cases, 15%) with seizure disorder and minimum with downs syndrome about 3%.


Out of 180 patient 150 children were diagnosed as ID. According to our literature review, this study appears to be one of the few studies on the prevalence of ID from our part of the world. In a report from the national health survey, the combined prevalence of and/or developmental disabilities from 1994/1995 in the united states was 14.9per 1000.6 On the other hand Farnell reported prevalence rate of 12.8 per 1000 in school-aged children from a Swedish suburban municipality.7 According to the reports from developing countries, Durkins et al. estimated the prevalence of ID at 19.0/1000 for serious retardation and at 65.3/1000 children for mild retardation in Pakistan.8 The prevalence of MR with mild and moderate grade was higher among urban(P =0.001) where as severe ID in rural areas. This is in contrast to the results of the study by Chadda and Maan et al., which found that children from urban background predominate.9 Most of the patients were diagnosed as having ID by age between 6 to 10 years(47%) and by 5 year of age (26%) and by age more than 10 years (26%). Distribution of prevalence among age group indicates that range with highest level ID was among urban areas (67%) whereas severe cases of ID more in rural areas (p-0.001). The percentage of case of mild grade and moderate grade MR were common with other group disease as compare to cases with seizure disorder and cerebral palsy. Malhotra and Chaturvedi, in their studies on pattern of childhood psychiatric disorders in India, found that the largest diagnostic category was ID that accounted for 28%-33% of all cases.10 No notable sex difference between male and female was seen. The rehabilitation institute should provide their services by increasing awareness of health maintenance in rural areas. All these services should preferably start from birth of ID child to help parents in coping with their emotions. Counselling services, treatment, occupational therapy and physiotherapy if required should be included in protocol management of ID. Proper referral system should develop in rural setting for early diagnosis and proper referral management. Regular follow up, parental counselling should be part of management protocol.


Case of ID with mild and moderate grade were more in urban areas where as severe cases of ID were more in rural areas due to lack of awareness and resources and proper referral system. Cases of mild/moderate grade ID with other co morbidities like severe anaemia, birth asphyxia, Down syndrome, traumatic history were more as compare to associated mordities like CP & ADHD. The rehabilitation institute should provide their services by increasing awareness of health maintenance in rural areas. All these services should preferably start from birth of ID child to help parents in coping with their emotions. Counselling services, treatment, occupational therapy and physiotherapy if required should be included in protocol management of ID. Proper referral system should develop in rural setting for early diagnosis and proper referral management. Regular follow up, parental counselling should be part of management protocol.

Source of Funding


Conflict of Interest




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