Diarrhoea continues to plaque the developing world resulting in morbidity of 1.7 billion and mortality of 5.25 lakhs in under- five children.1, 2 In India diarrhea is 3rd most common cause of death among under-five children with morbidity of 11.6 million and mortality of 1300 deaths and thus causing 8% of deaths per year.3
Zinc is a micronutrient which is essential for cell growth, cell differentiation, DNA synthesis, healthy immune system. 4, 5 Zinc is believed to improve absorption of water and electrolyte by the intestine, faster regeneration of gut epithelium, increased level of enterocyte brush border enzyme and enhanced immune response leading to clearance of pathogens from gut in episode of diarrhea.6 Zinc has associated with 20% reduction of acute diarrhea, 30% reduction in volume of stools, 40% reduction in treatment failure and deaths in persistent diarrhea.7
The world health organization (WHO) and united nations international children emergency fund (UNICEF), recommended the use of low osmolarity oral rehydration solution and 10-20 mg of zinc for 14 days as treatment for all episode of diarrhea (10 mg per day for infants under 6 months).8 It has been said that with use of this combination up to 88% of deaths due to diarrhea can be prevented.9 In view of all these benefits , Zinc therapy was incorporated in the integrated management of childhood illness guidelines and WHO list of essential drugs for use in diarrhea, in 2005.10 Nearly 15 years passed since introduction of zinc in national health programme, still level of awareness was found to be poor among population.1, 8
So the present study was intended to assess awareness among mothers of under-five children regarding zinc supplementation, reasons for not supplementing zinc and to find out socio-demographic factors associated with it.
Materials and Methods
Study design: hospital based cross sectional analytical study
Study Area: Outpatient department of Paediatrics of a tertiary care hospital.
Study duration: 4 months.
Study population: Mothers of children from six months to five years attending Pediatrics OPD.
Inclusion criteria: Mothers of under five children who are willing to participate.
Sample size: N= (4pq)/L2, where p= proportion of knowledge of zinc supplementation8 p=2, q=100-p=98, L=error=+2Sample size calculated is 196. Two hundred mothers were included in the study (n=200).
Sampling technique: Convenient sampling (nonprobability sampling)
Statistical analysis: EPI INFO7 software. Quantitative data was analyzed by calculation of proportion, mean, standard deviation and range .Association was tested by chi square test.
After taking permission from institutional ethics committee, study was started. A hospital based cross sectional study was conducted among mothers of under-five children attending Pediatrics OPD in a tertiary care hospital. Informed consent of mother was obtained. Confidentiality of data was maintained. The data was entered in predesigned semi-structured validated questionnaire.
Information about socio-demographic data such as religion, education, occupation, type of family and family income was asked and entered in the questionnaire. Modified BG Prasad’s Scale was used to assess Socio-economic status of family. A detail of knowledge regarding Zinc supplementation, practices of zinc supplementation during recent episode of diarrhea (last 6 months) was enquired. Among the mothers who have not supplemented zinc to the children during recent episodes, reasons for not supplementing zinc was asked.
Each day five mothers of under-five children were interviewed for consecutive 40 working days till sample size of 200 was covered (n=200). The data was entered in excel sheet. The statistical analysis was done by using EPI INFO 7 software. Data was analyzed by calculating range, proportions, mean and standard deviation. Chi- square test was used to find out association between level of knowledge and socioeconomic status.
Mothers with good level of knowledge and who were following practice of zinc supplementation were appreciated and advised to continue the practice. Mothers with poor level of awareness about zinc supplementation were counseled and motivated for use of Zinc supplementation for future prevention of diarrhea.
Total 200 mothers participated in the study. The age range of mothers was from 19 to 38 years. More than 70% mothers were in the age group of 21- 30 years. 2(1%) mothers were illiterate, 65(32.5%) were graduates and 15(7.5%) were postgraduates. 32.5%(65) mothers were working. Hundred (50%) mothers belonged to nuclear family and 93(46.5%) belonged to joint family.
Awareness regarding zinc supplementation among mothers
Out of total 200 mothers, only 18(9%) mothers used zinc suspension during past diarrheal episodes. Out of 18 mothers, 14(77.8%) mothers reported doctors as source of information for zinc supplementation. Only one mother knew about correct duration of treatment i.e.14 days. Eight (44.44%) mothers were aware regarding correct frequency of taking tablets. Only 7(39%) were aware that zinc should be given as early as possible in treatment of diarrhea. Ten mothers were aware regarding giving ORS and zinc at same time. Ten (56%) mothers were unaware that all episodes of diarrhea should be treated with zinc. Only 10 (56%) mothers administered zinc supplementation during recent episodes of diarrhea.
Reasons for non-administration of zinc
Lack of awareness was the common reason mentioned for non-administration of zinc (50%) followed by reasons such as not advised by doctors, cost of tablets and not needed.
Association between socio-demographic factors and awareness among mothers
No association was found between age, occupation and awareness among mothers but statistically significant association was found between religion, type of family and awareness regarding zinc supplementation among mothers of under five children.
Table 1
Table 2
Prevalence of using zinc supplementation among Hindu mothers was found better (12.21%) as compared to mothers from other religion (2.89%). Difference was found to be statistically significant. Prevalence of use of zinc supplementation among mothers from nuclear family was found to be more (13%) than mothers from joint family (5%).the difference was found to be statistically significant. Association was found between religion, type of family and use of zinc supplementation.
No association was found between age, occupation of mother and use of zinc supplementation.
Out of total 200 mothers, most were of age group of 26-30 years followed by age group of 21-25. Most of the mothers were educated up to graduate and only 1% mothers were illiterate. 67.5% were housewife and rest were working, 50% belonged to nuclear family.
When knowledge of mothers of under-5 children regarding Zn supplementation was assessed only 9% mothers were aware about Zn supplementation during episodes of diarrhea. Among these 9% mothers; in 77.9% mothers 1st source of information was from doctors and in rest from nurses; only 5.56% has a correct knowledge of duration of zinc supplementation (10-14 days); 44.44% knew correct dose of Zn supplementation (twice a day); 38.89% mothers had correct knowledge of the stage of diarrhea at which Zn should be given (as early as possible); 55.56% mothers had a knowledge to give ORS and Zn at same time and 44.44% of mothers agreed that all episodes of diarrhea should be treated with zinc.
49% mothers gave history of episodes of diarrhea in their children in last 6 months. Among these 49% mothers, 45.9% mothers administered zinc supplementation and rest 54.1% mothers didn’t. When these mothers were asked the reason for not giving Zn supplementation, most of the mothers (54.7%) stated that they were unaware regarding Zn supplementation followed by other reasons such as drug was not prescribed by doctor/health worker, side effects and drug not needed.
Only 9% mothers were aware of zinc supplementation, which is slightly higher as compared to other similar study conducted by Dipak Kumar Dhar, Nilratan Majumder, and Debashish Paul 8 which showed awareness among 1.9%. In a Study conducted by Sadasiba padhy, Rajesh Kumar Sethi, Narendra Behera1 awareness was found to be 1%. In a study conducted in rural western Kenya,11 caretakers who used zinc recently were found to be more aware regarding zinc supplementation than zinc non users. In a study conducted in Ethiopia,12 awareness was found to be more in urban area as compared to rural area. Present study was conducted near urban area may be the reason for study finding. Association was found between religion, type of family and awareness of zinc supplementation.