
Year 2021

Volume: 4 , Issue: 4

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IP International Journal of Aesthetic and Health Rejuvenation

Evaluation of the relation between pre-operative b-scan findings and post –operative Fundus findings in patients with opaque media undergoing cataract surgery

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Original Article

Author Details : Jasmine Mary Jacob, Jennifer Joseph K Thadam, Sheldon Goudinho*

Volume : 2, Issue : 2, Year : 2019

Article Page : 30-33

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Objective: To compare the pre-operative B-scan findings with the post-operative Fundus findings taken as Gold standard in patients with opaque media undergoing cataract surgery.
Materials and Methods: This was a longitudinal, cross-sectional study conducted at Department of Ophthalmology, Dr. SMCSI medical college, Karakonam. Pre-operatively Visual acuity, anterior segment examination, intraocular pressure and B scan were done. All patients underwent uneventful Small incision cataract surgery. Post operative Fundus evaluation was performed and compared with the pre operative B scan findings to analyze the sensitivity and specificity of B scan.
Results: Pre-operatively, 365 (71.6%) eyes had normal B scan findings. In 283(55.5%) eyes normal B scan findings corresponded with a normal Fundus picture. In 125(24.5%) eyes positive findings on B scan corresponded with positive Fundus findings. Positive retinal pathologies detected were Posterior vitreous detachment, retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage, asteroid hyalosis and posterior Staphyloma. In102 (20%) eyes B scan findings did not correspond to Fundus findings. Sensitivity and specificity were calculated. Specificity was 100% and sensitivity was 55%.
Conclusion: B-scan is a valuable prognostic tool for ruling out posterior segment ocular pathology in opaque media but it is not a sensitive test for diagnosis of those pathologies.

Keywords: B-scan, Mature cataract, Visual Acuity, Retinal pathology.

How to cite : Jacob J M, Thadam J J K, Goudinho S, Evaluation of the relation between pre-operative b-scan findings and post –operative Fundus findings in patients with opaque media undergoing cataract surgery. Int J Aesthet Health Rejuvenation 2019;2(2):30-33

Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and Int J Aesthet Health Rejuvenation. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (