Editor Guidelines


Innovative Publication is a publisher of open-access journals and multidisciplinary books. It was founded in 2010 and now provides a number of products and services to researchers for the betterment of the scientific community. We are publishing journals in medical, dental, pharmacy & in other disciplines. Our Open Access (OA) policy enables the end-users to access its high-quality journals from anywhere in the globe flexibly which leads to more citations & visibility of published work.

Innovative Editorial Team

Innovative Publication head office is located in New Delhi, India. Our in-house team consists of Copyeditors, Assistant Editors, Production editors, Data Specialists, Administrative Experts, and Strategic Editorial development of the journals we publish. Innovative collaborating editors on our Editorial Boards are typically employed at academic institutions, research institutions, colleges, and research centers or corporate research facilities located all over the world. Contact with the in-house team editorial staff is mainly by telephonic call, e-mail, FAQ support, etc. The in-house editorial staff normally works for several journals related to their educational background and assigned journals basis. Editorial Assistant processes manuscripts through the Innovate Pre-Publication Portal for peer-review, the editorial final selection of manuscript, and production procedures. Managing Editors have the editorial responsibility for the journals, productions editors and are responsible for putting accepted content into a publishable format in XML, PDF, HTML version with help of typesetting software.

Editorial Process and Peer-Review

Editorial Process: Manuscripts submitted at the Manuscript Peer-Review Process are subject to strict editorial scrutiny and peer-review process. Innovative journals follow double-blind peer-review (both reviewers and authors are anonymous to each other). MPRP is a web-based portal, that allows a set of editorial services to run a journal efficiently. It is designed and developed by our own developing team and they are regularly working on it on new updates as per publishing technology and requirements. MPRP system handles all pre-publications services, Editorial services, peer-review process, editorial decision-making, etc. All tasks can be assigned at a single platform in different panels by using different credentials.


Once a manuscript is received by the MPRP, it will be scrutinized by the Editorial office having a professional in-house editorial team to determine whether they are properly prepared and whether they follow the editorial policies as per journal guidelines. The manuscript that doesn’t meet the standards of the journal will be given editorial correction before being for peer review. It will be returned to the authors for revisions as per journal guidelines and suggested for resubmission. After these checks, the Managing Editor will consult the journals, Editor-in-Chief, or Associate Editors to identify whether the manuscript is suitable for the scope of the journal and whether it is scientifically acceptable. If it is found satisfactory and meets all standards, then it will be activated for the peer review process.


Peer-Review: When the submitted manuscript crosses the primary editorial scrutiny, the editorial office team assigns it to at least two independent experts for peer review. These experts are generally reviewers but, in some cases, may also include Editorial Board Members or guest editors of the journal. We make sure that the assigned reviewers do not have any publication with any of the co-authors during the past three years and should not currently work or collaborate with any of the institutions of the co-authors of the submitted manuscript to avoid biases and to promote fair decision.


All the submitted manuscripts, reviews, and communications are managed by the MPRP & once the paper receives at least two reviews in the process, we move ahead to the next step. The editorial office team will communicate the decision to editors and also inform the authors. We don’t allow more than two rounds of major revisions in the peer-review process. Once the revised version of the manuscript is received, it is evaluated again by the editorial team by keeping in mind the prior comments, and at last decision is given by the Editorial Board members. But still, the final decision is under the hands of the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.


After acceptance of the manuscript for publication, the in-house editorial assistant team organizes the production of the paper, which is selected for final publication for copyediting, English editing, and final production in preparation for publication on the journal website. Before publishing it, the final version of the manuscript is shared with authors in pdf format as Galley Proof to check whether it is okay or not to publish. If any corrections are suggested by the authors, we resolve that and then we publish the final corrected version of the manuscript. Innovative Publication all journals are structured in yearly volumes and quarterly and half-yearly issue-wise. Articles come on ahead of the print option of the journal website after the final selection for publications and production.

Editor’s overall Roles & Responsibilities

  • The selection of the right reviewers is the primary duty of editorial board members and later evaluating the overall review process as well.
  • The editor is responsible for deciding whether the published content is falling under the aim & scope of the journal or not.  
  • They should ensure that the peer review process is conducted fairly, unbiased, and as per the journal's guidelines and ethical standards.
  • Participation in meetings and providing suggestions for the betterment of the journal and also provide guidance to the managing editors/editorial assistants on editorial policies and standards.
  • They should help in content development by providing editorials, commentaries, or articles for the journal.
  • Editorial Board members should ensure the quality of published content and should address issues related to research misconduct, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, etc.
  • The editor should evaluate manuscripts for intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the author(s).
  • Should suggest and help in the appointment of new editorial board members
  • They should collaborate with other members, the editor-in-chief, the managing editor, and the publisher to ensure the journal's success.
  • Should help in journal promotion at various conferences, workshops webinars, etc., and also help in improving the standard of the journal.
  • They should contribute to the development of the journal's quality by suggesting special issue themes, topics, or articles.
  • Advise on journal policy and scope and participate in journal development.

Editors Categories

Editor-in-Chief: It is considered as the top editorial position within a publishing company or organization. They give editorial leadership, strategic direction, and expertise to produce engaging and effective material. The EIC provides vision and leadership for the journal by deciding its overall workflow and directions. Also, plays a very important role in ensuring the journal's quality and plans new strategies for the betterment of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief develops and updates editorial policies including guidelines and commitment to maintain the highest standards of academic publishing.


Associate Editor: They supports the Editor-in-Chief in their respective roles and responsibility and comply with the same term and conditions. Generally, works under the direction of the editor-in-chief or also guides managing editors. 


Section Editor: Section Editors work according to their subject specializations and expertise, they are assigned to a specific journal section for which they will be most committed. Section editors are in charge of managing particular sections or departments including content curation, Editorial planning, and writing management. They ensure content complies with the publication's standards, and appeals to the readership.


Advisory Board Members: It is a group of people who offer direction, counsel, and expertise to a national or local publication. They should help to promote the journal among their peers. Also, they are responsible for attending a board meeting to suggest journal strategies and planning and help in solving appeal cases or ethical disputes.


Guest Editors: Guest Editors are invited by the publication or editorial team to temporarily take the work for a specific issue or theme. Guest editors are typically chosen based on their expertise, knowledge, and credibility within a specific domain.


Managing Editor: Managing editors play a crucial role in managing the editing team and supervising editorial activities. They check quality control, editorial policies and guidelines, revenue management, and budgeting.


Copy-Editor: Copyeditors focus on the technical parameters of the manuscript, such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, arrangement of text, tables, and figures, etc.

Benefits for Editors

  • Serving as an EB member automatically enhances recognition as an expert in that field by bringing academic reputation
  • It gives the mentorship opportunity as EB members guide authors, especially early-career researchers, helping them improve their research and writing skills
  • Your name on the editorial board can be considered a significant professional achievement and also can enhance chances of promotions or job opportunities.
  • Eligible for Credit Points by IP Innovative publication.
  • The Editorial Board members will get certificates for their contributions to the journal which can enhance their academic growth.
  • Get your name listed on the Journals website after becoming an Editorial Board member
  • Consider your name for the journal’s OUTSTANDING EDITOR AWARDS.
  • Make new contacts in your research field and have early access to the newest research.
  • Make new academic connections and get to know other academics in your profession.
  • Your published works have a great chance of being mentioned in relevant literature or by relevant scholars, making them a novel source of information for many readers.
  • Take exclusive offers and discounts on APC and on publishing your articles.
  • You will be eligible for getting additional discounts on physical & virtual conferences (On the basis of your involvement in the Editorial Board) and events organized by IP Innovative Publication or associated partners.

Ethical Considerations of Editors

Innovative Publication is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record, Publication Ethics, and Publication Malpractice Statement. It is based on the Code of Conduct and Best Publishing Practice in scientific publications as recommended by ethical committees and as an editor, it is important to uphold ethical standards and practices in your work. We ask all journal editors to make every reasonable effort to adhere to the following ethical guidelines for articles submitted for peer review in Innovative Publications. These points should be kept in mind if you are or willing to serve as an Editorial Board member:

  • The Editors must be unbiased during the consideration of all manuscripts proceeds for the editorial process. They evaluate papers' merits in regard to race, religion, sex, seniority, nationality, or institutional affiliation of the authors.
  • The editors must maintain the confidentiality of the Peer review process. Any data or analysis presented in a submitted manuscript should not be used in a journal editor’s own research without the consent of the author.
  • Misconduct and Plagiarism should not be accepted or if found should immediately inform to the editorial office.
  • Editors should make sure that any copyrighted items used in the manuscripts, including pictures, figures, or extensive quotations, have the correct permits and licenses.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest that might affect an editor's objectivity or impartiality when handling a submission should be disclosed.


We follow the latest Core Practices applicable in publishing scholarly studies for editors journal publishers and institutions as outlined by COPE Core Practices.

Editors Joining Criteria

  • The applicant should be from the same subject area with subject expertise in a specific field
  • No. of Publication: 30+ publications in National or International quality peer-reviewed journals
  • The applicant must have a minimum of 10 years of academic experience
  • Academic background: Academic rank above Assistant professor or equivalent
  • The applicant must have any of the social links like Orcid ID, Researcher ID, Scopus ID, Researcher’s Profile and Scholar’s Profile)
  • Publication should be in quality journals
  • The desired candidate should have prior experience in attending events/conferences and webinars.

How to Become an Editor

IP Innovative always welcomes new members to join our Editorial Board of journals. If you are interested in joining as a reviewer for our journals, please register with the innovative MPRP Portal (Manuscript Peer Review Process). You need to select a journal as per your expertise and also need to complete the registration procedure by filling in all details required details like email ID, ORCID ID, educational qualification, etc. Then, the Editorial Office will verify your details and profile and as per the mutual decision and evaluation by the Editorial Board your account will be activated

Resources for Editors


Total No of Journals


Published Papers


Manuscript Submission


Articles Downloaded

